Original: Literatur zu einzelnen Tieren
References to publications, sorted by year and author.
There are 645 references in this bibliography folder.
Whitehouse, H
The elephant and its keepers. A postscript on P. Mich. inv. 4290
Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 85:277-278.
Wild, F
Drachen im "Beowulf" und andere Drachen. Mit einem Anhang: Drachenfeldzeigen, Drachenwappen und St. Georg
Sitzungsberichte der Österr. Akad. d. Wissenschaften, Philos.-hist. Klasse, 238/5:?.
Williamson, JB
The image of the horse in the work of Philippe de Mézières
Reinardus, 5:217-230.
Williamson, JB
The lady with the unicorn and the mirror
Reinardus, 3:213-226.
Wilson, WS
The eagle's speech in Chaucer's "House of Fame"
Quarterly Journal of Speech, 50:153-158.
Witte, AE
De l'excrément à l'or: l'anthropologie des noms attribués aux ânes de l'époque romaine à William Shakespeare
Studi Medievali, 40:249-260.
Witteveen, J
On swans, cranes and herons: part 2 - cranes
Petits propos culinaires, 25:50-59.
Witteveen, J
On swans, cranes and herons: part 3 - herons
Petits propos culinaires, 26:65-73.
Witteveen, J
On swans, cranes and herons: part 1 - swans
Petits propos culinaires, 24:22-31.
Wittkower, R
Eagle and serpent
In: Allegory and the migration of symbols. Collected essays of R. W., ed. by ?, London, vol. 3, pp. 15-44, 188-196.
Wittkower, R
Eagle and Serpent. A Study in the Migration of Symbols
Journal of the Warburg Institute, 2(4):293-325.
Wittkower, R
Miraculous birds: 1. "Physiologus" in Beatus-Manuscripts, 2. Roc: an eastern prodigy in a Dutch engraving
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 1:253-257.
Wright, CD
The lion standard in "Exodus": Jewish legend, Germanic tradition, and Christian typology
Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 277:138-145.
Wälchli, P
Katze im Abendmahl: ein Bildmotiv und sein biblischer Ursprung
Theologische Zeitschrift, 46:322-332.
Ypey, J
Westerheem, 32:15-19.
Zadoro-Rio, E
Pares à gibier et garnues à lapin: contribution à une étude archéologique des territoires de chasse dans le paysage médiéval
Hommes et Terres Nord(2-3):33-39.
Zajadacz-Hastenrath, S
The bird Carista
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 36:355-357.
Zappella, G
Codici e allusioni simboliche nella figura dell'elefante
Rara volumina:49-70.
Ziolkowski, JM
A fairy tale from before fairy tales: Egbert of Liège's "De puellis a lupellis seruata" and the Medieval background of "Little red riding hood"
Speculum, 67:549-575.
Zips, M
Zur Löwensymbolik
In: Festschrift für Otto Höfler zum 65. Geburtstag, ed. by H. Birkhan/O. Gschwantler, Wien, vol. 2, vols. 2, pp. 507-518.