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by Bibuser last modified 2007-06-27 10:49

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6 references in this bibliography folder.

Aufrere, S
Threskiornis aethiopicus. Autour d'un mouvement migratoire de l'ibis dans l'Egypte ancienne
In: L'oiseau entre ciel et terre, ed. by M. Mazoyer et al., Paris, pp. 9-32.

Clark, CR
The sacred ibis
Metropolitain Museum Bulletin, 13:181-184.

Fatio, V
Sur le waldrapp "Corvus sylvaticus" de Gessner
The Ibis, ser. VIII, 6:139-144.

Riefstahl, E
Sacred Ibis: Sarcophagus for a Mummified Bird
Brooklyn Museum Bulletin, 11:5-9.

Schenker, A
Das ehemalige Verbreitungsgebiet des Waldrapps Geronticus eremita in Europa
Der ornithologische Beobachter, 74:13-30.

Schneider, H
Das Ibis-Kapitel im Physiologus
Vigiliae Christianae, 56:151-164.

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