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Gans, Ente

by Bibuser last modified 2007-06-26 09:06

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 27 references in this bibliography folder.

Albarella, U
Alternate fortunes? The role of domestic ducks and geese from Roman to Medieval times in Britain
In: Feathers, grit and symbolism, ed. by G. Grupe/J. Peters, Rahden, pp. 249-258.

Armstrong, EA
The Symbolism of the Swan and the Goose
Folklore, 55:54-58.

Baldwin, CR
Sassanian ducks in a Western manuscript
Gesta, 9(1):3-10.

Baudry, R
Le sang des oies sur la neige de Chrétien de Troyes à Jean Giono
Bien dire et bien aprandre, 11:25-40.

Beaujean, F
L'oie dans l'héraldique
In: L'oie de bon aloi, ed. by Jean-Pierre Lensen, Visé, pp. 95-98.

Bodson, L
Elevage et utilisation de l'oie dans l'Antiquité
Ethnozootechnie, 39:1-10.

Bodson, L and Marcolungo, D
Aspects de l'histoire ancienne de l'oie domestique (Anser Anser F. Domestica)
In: L'oie de bon aloi, ed. by Jean-Pierre Lensen, Visé, pp. 43-59.

Donogue, D
An Anser for Exeter Book Riddle 74
In: Words and Works. Studies in medieval English language and literature in honour of Fred C. Robinson, ed. by Peter S. Baker, Toronto.

Duchesne-Guillemin, J
L'oie dans les mythologies orientales
In: L'oie de bon aloi, ed. by Jean-Pierre Lensen, Visé, pp. 61-62.

Dufournet, J
Autres notes sur le bestiaire de Villon. Les oies de Villon (étude sur le huitain 153 du Testament)
In: Etudes de langue et littérature françaises offertes à André Lanly, ed. by Bernard Guidoux, Nancy, pp. 95-107.

Evans, J and Serjeantson, MS (ed.)
English Medieval Lapidaries
(1960, 1999)
London, Early English Text Society / Oxford University Press. Original Series. 190.

Greenway, J
The flight of the Grey Goose: Literary Symbolism in the Traditional Ballad
Southern Folklore Quarterly, 18:165-74.

Hary, M
Le jet à l'animal et le colin-maillard. Deux modes de décapitation de l'oie. L'exemple de l'espace français
In: L'oie de bon aloi, ed. by Jean-Pierre Lensen, Visé, pp. 140-149.

Horsfall, N
From History to Legend: M. Manlius and the Geese
Classical Journal, 76:298-311.

Jones, M and Tracy, C
A medieval choirstall desk-end at Haddon Hall: the fox-bishop and the geese-hangmen
Journal of the British Archaeological Association, 144:107-115.

Lensen, J (ed.)
L'oie de bon aloi

Macdonald, RH, Macdonald, KC, and Ryan, K
Domestic geese from medieval Dublin
Archaeofauna, 2:205-218.

Pichon, J
L'oie à l'époque gauloise et au Moyen Age
Ethnozootechnie, 39:11-18.

Pinon, R
L'oie, expressions et jeux
In: L'oie de bon aloi, ed. by Jean-Pierre Lensen, Visé, pp. 99-110.

Richardson, TW
The Sacred Geese of Priapus? (Satyricon, 136.4 f)
Museum Helveticum, 37:98-103.

Riddell, WH
The Domestic Goose
Antiquity, 17:148-155.

Schenda, R
In: Das ABC der Tiere: Märchen, Mythen und Geschichten, München: Beck, pp. 111-115.

Schenda, R
In: Das ABC der Tiere: Märchen, Mythen und Geschichten, München: Beck, pp. 66-69.

Schmidtke, D
Ente (anas)
In: Geistliche Tierinterpretationen in der deutschsprachigen Literatur des Mittelalters (1100-1500), Berlin, vol. 1, vols. 2, pp. 277f., Diss.

Schmidtke, D
Gans (anser)
In: Geistliche Tierinterpretationen in der deutschsprachigen Literatur des Mittelalters (1100-1500), Berlin, vol. 1, vols. 2, pp. 296, Diss.

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