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by Bibuser last modified 2007-04-27 11:00

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 143 references in this bibliography folder.

Agoston, M
III. Iván 1497.évi vörös viaszos pecsétje. Adalékok az orosz állami szimbolika előtörténetéhez
Világtörténet, 26(3-4):65-77.

Alamichel, M
De Beowulf à Malory: les dragons dans la littérature médiévale anglais
In: Le Dragon dans la culture médiévale: Colloque du Mont-Saint-Michel, 31 octobre - 1er novembre 1993 , ed. by Danielle BUSCHINGER and Wolfgang SPIEWOK. Reineke Verlag, Greifswald Greifswalder Beiträge zum Mittelalter. 24. , pp. 1-10.

Allen, J and Griffith, J
The book of the dragon
London, Orbis Publishing.

Avonds, P
Koning Artur en de koning van Aberffraw: twee Keltische vorsten in Brabant in de Middeleeuwen
In: Kelten en de Nederlanden van prehistorie tot heden, ed. by Lauran TOORIANS. Peeters, Leuven, pp. 89-103.

Balabanov, T
Za smisǔla na edin grǔtski nadpis ot manastira pri s. Chernoglavtsi, Shumensko
In: Izsledvaniya v chest na prof. Totyu Totev, ed. by Vasil GYUZELEV and Khristo TRENDAFILOV. Akademichno izdatelstvo "Prof. Marin Drinov", Sofiya, pp. 107-112.

Bammesberger, A
Beowulf's last fight (Beowulf, 2702b–2705)
Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, 113(2):165-167.

Bammesberger, A
Ealond utan at Beowulf, line 2334a
Notes and Queries, 54(4):361-364.

Baranowski, T and Gajewski, L
The Angel and the Dragon: two medallions from an early medieval hill-fort in Kalisz, Poland.
In: Art and Symbolism in Medieval Europe: Papers of the "Medieval Europe Brugge 1997" Conference, 5 , ed. by Guy DE BOE and Frans VERHAEGHE. Instituut voor het Archeologisch Patrimonium, Wetenschappelijke instelling van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Zellik, pp. 119-125.

Bertelli, C
Inspirium super dracum
In: Ars naturam adiuvans: Festschrift für Matthias Winner zum 11. März 1996, ed. by Victoria von FLEMMING and Sebastian SCHÜTZE. Philipp von Zabern, Mainz, vol. 4, vols. 3, pp. 23-27,194.

Biggs, FM
Beowulf and some fictions of the Geatish succession
Anglo-Saxon England(32):55-77.

Bishop, C
Beowulf: the monsters and the comics
Journal of the Australian Early Medieval Association(7):73-93.

Black, NB
The hero's fight with a dragon of giant adversary in medieval narrative
Dissertation Abstracts International - A: The Humanities and Social Sciences, 32(6):3243A.

Botey, L and Cirlot, V (ed.)
El Drac en la cultura medieval. Exposició Fundació Caixa de Pensions

Brall, H
Drache, Held und Vorwelt. Sagengeschehen und höfische Ordnung im 'Nibelungenlied'
In: 4. Pöchlarner Heldenliedgespräch: Heldendichtung in Österreich – Österreich in der Heldendichtung, ed. by Klaus Zatloukal, Wien, Philologica Germanica. 20. , pp. 41-62.

Brall-Tuchel, H
Drachen und Drachenkämpfe in Geschichtsschreibung, Legende und Roman des Mittelalters
Saeculum, 57:213-230.

Brall-Tuchel, H
Wahrnehmung im Affekt. Zur Bildsprache des Schreckens in Wolframs Parzival
In: Wahrnehmung im Parzival Wolframs von Eschenbach. Actas do Colóquio Internacional 15 e 16 Novembro de 2002, ed. by John Greenfield, Porto, pp. 67-104.

Calissendorff, K
Om drakar i ortnamn
Ortnamnssällskapets i Uppsala Årsskrift:5-10.

Canby, SR
In: Mythical Beasts, ed. by John Cherry, London: British Museum Press/Pomegranite Artbooks, pp. 14-43.

Cantera Montenegro, J
El dragón de la leyenda de San Jorge
Archivo Español de Arte, 247:331-344.

Carlson, SM
The Giant and the Dragon of the Folk Epic
Los Angeles, Univers. of Southern California.

Carénini A
“Du diable au dragon: péripéties du légendaire de saint Bernard de Menthon”
In: Saints et dragons, Brussels, vol. II Tradition wallonne. 14. , pp. 383-409.

Chamberlin, R
"Got hât liut unde Lant von Manegem wunder gemaht": an example of the marvelous as allegory in Ulrich von Zatzikhoven's Lanzelet.
Michigan Germanic Studies, 24(1):8-17.

Chen, F and Honegger, T (ed.)
Good Dragons are Rare. An Inquiry into Literary Dragons East and West
Frankfurt a.M., Peter Lang. ALPH: Arbeiten zur Literarischen Phantastik. 5.

Colchester, LS
Dragons, serpents and St. Michael
Friends of Wells Cathedral. Reports:18-23.

Cooke, WG
Firy drakes and blazing-bearded light. A section in the "Anglo-Saxon chronicle" under 793 and contemporary belief in dragons
English Studies, 61:97-103.

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