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by Bibuser last modified 2007-06-26 09:52

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 14 references in this bibliography folder.

Allen, EH
Barnacles in nature and in myth

Ankel, WE
Das Märchen von den Entenmuscheln
Natur und Museum, XCII:207-218.

Beare, R
Is the barnacle goose selfish, and is it Harold?
Notes and Queries, 248:10-11.

Beare, R
Which of Godwin's sons was called a barnacle goose?
Notes and Queries, 244:5-6.

Beare, R
Swallows and barnacle geese
Notes and Queries, 243:5.

Beare, R
Earl Godwin's son as a barnacle goose
Notes and Queries, 242:459-62.

Coonen, LP
Medieval skepticism of the Barnacle Goose legend
Turtox News, 47(6):210-212.

Donogue, D
An Anser for Exeter Book Riddle 74
In: Words and Works. Studies in medieval English language and literature in honour of Fred C. Robinson, ed. by Peter S. Baker, Toronto.

Egmond, F and Mason, P
Report on a wild goose chase
Journal of the history of collections, 7:25-43.

Hoffmann-Krayer, E
In: Handwörterbuch des deutschen Aberglaubens, ed. by Hanns Bächthold-Stäubli, vol. I, pp. 958-962.

Ruska, J
Die Bernickelgans nach arabischen Überlieferungen
Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften und Technik, 12:413-414.

Stewart, AM
Hector Boece and "claik" geese
Northern Scotland, 8:17-23.

Van der Lugt, M
Animal légendaire et discours savant médiéval. Le barnacle dans tous ses états
Micrologus, 8:1-5, 351-393.

Vollmann B
Schiffshalter und Barnikelgans: die Last des antiken Erbes in der mittelalterlichen Naturkundeenzyklopädik
In: Mystik-Überlieferung-Naturkunde. Gegenstände und Methoden mediävistischer Forschungspraxis, ed. by R. Luff / R. K. Weigand , Hildesheim, pp. 109-124.

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