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by minev last modified 2006-11-04 15:47

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 5 references in this bibliography folder.

Battistoni, G
Simbole e mitografia intorno a Can Grande della Scala
Labyrinthos (= Studi in memoria di F. Borroni Salvadori), 7-8:35-62.

Delort, R
Les animaux ont une histoire
Paris, Seuil.

Diev, A
Un poème du XVIe siècle: le limas d'Hubert-Philippe de Villiers
Revue Bourguignonne, 18:247-269.

Kadar et al., Z
In: Enciclopedia dell'arte medievale, ed. by Angiola Maria Romanini, vol. 2, pp. 1-33.

Kahana, H and Kahana, R
Butor "Bitteru": elusiveness of a name
In: Philologica Hispanica in honorem M. Alvar, ed. by ?, Madrid, vol. 2, pp. 275-282.

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