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by Bibuser last modified 2007-06-27 10:19

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 8 references in this bibliography folder.

Armistead, SG
An anecdote of King Jaume I and its Arabic congener
In: Cultures in contact in medieval Spain. Historical and Literary Essays Presented to L. P. Harvey, ed. by D. Hook/B. Taylor, London, pp. 1-8.

Burrow, J
Henryson: "The preaching of the swallow"
Essays in Criticism, 25:25-37.

Harvey, ER
The swallow's nest and the spider's web
In: Studies in English language and literature: "Doubt Wisely" (Papers in honour of E. G. Stanley), ed. by M. J. Toswell/E. M. Tyler, London, pp. 327-341.

Losada, LA
Odyssey 21.411: The swallow's call
Classical Philology, 80:33-34.

Mc Enerney, J
The swallow of Utrecht: Radbod, "Carmen" 6
Proceedings of the Patristic, Medieval and Renaissance Conference, 7:109-116.

Schenda, R
In: Das ABC der Tiere: Märchen, Mythen und Geschichten, München: Beck, pp. 319-324.

Veenman, R
Radbouds "Over de zwaluw". Het oudste gedicht van Nederland
Madoc. Tijdschrift over de Middeleeuwen, 19:194-203.

von Viettinghoff-Riesch, A
Die Schwalbe, besonders die Rauchschwalbe, in Glaube und Brauch
Rheinisches Jahrbuch für Volkskunde, 4:205-44.

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