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by Bibuser last modified 2007-06-26 16:15

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 22 references in this bibliography folder.

Ahl, FM
Amber, Avallon, and Apollo's Singing Swan
American Journal of Philology, 103:373-411.

Armstrong, EA
The Symbolism of the Swan and the Goose
Folklore, 55:54-58.

Arnott, WG
Swan song
Greece and Rome, 24:149-153.

Cassel, P
Der Schwan in Sage und Leben. Eine Abhandlung
Berlin, 3rd ed.

Gough, H
The Swan of Buckingham
Records of Buckingham, 3:249-70.

Grange, I
Métamorphoses chrétiennes des femmes-cygnes. Du folklore à l'hagiographie
Ethnologie française, 13:139-50.

Hablot, L
Emblématique et mythologie médiévale, le cygne, une devise rincière
Histoire de l'art(49):51-64.

Hardie, PR
Aeneas and the omen of the swans
Classical Philology, 82:145-150.

Hatto, A
The Swan Maiden: A Folk-Tale of North Eurasian Origin?
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 24:326-52.

Liver, R
Der singende Schwan. Motivgeschichtliches zu einer Sequenz des 9. Jahrhunderts
Museum Helveticum, 39:146-56.

MacGregor, A
Swan rolls and beak markings. Husbandry, exploitation and regulation of Cygnus olor in England, c. 1100-1900

Mc Culloch, F
The Dying Swan - A Misunderstanding
Modern Language Notes, 74(4):289-292.

Rigolot, F
Leda and the swan: Rabelais's Parody of Michelangelo
Renaissance Quarterly, 38:688-700.

Schenda, R
In: Das ABC der Tiere: Märchen, Mythen und Geschichten, München: Beck, pp. 324-328.

Schoonhoven, H
Purple swans and purple snow
Mnemosyne, 31:200-3.

Silvia, DS
Chaucer's Friars: Swans or Swains? (Sommoner's Tale, D 1930)
English Language Notes, 1:248-250.

Ticehurst, NF
The Mute Swan in England. Its History, and the ancient custom of Swan Keeping

Todd, HA
La naissance du Chevalier au Cygne ou les enfants changés en cygnes
Baltimore, Modern Language Association.

Van den Abeele, B
"Encyclopédies médiévales et savoir technique: le cas des informations cynégétiques"
In: Nouvelles tendances en histoire et philosophie des sciences, ed. by R. Halleux and others, Bruxelles, pp. 103-121.

Wagner, A
The Swan Badge and the Swan Knight
Archaeologia, 97:127-138.

Warnke, G
Der Schwan, Vogel Apollons. Aspekte eines Emblems / Symbols / Motivs in der Literatur
Literatur für Leser:42-61.

Witteveen, J
On swans, cranes and herons: part 1, swans
Petits propos culinaires, 24:22-31.

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