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by Bibuser last modified 2007-12-10 22:14

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 11 references in this bibliography folder.

Alexander, RM
The Evolution of the Basilisk
Greece & Rome, Second series, 10(2):170-181.

Breiner, LA
The Basilisk
In: Mythical and Fabulous Creatures: A Sourcebook and Research Guide, ed. by Malcolm South, Westport: Greenwood, pp. 113-122.

Goossens, R
Les nâgas et le basilic dans le monde gréco-romain
In: Mélanges J. Bidex, Brüssel, pp. 415-449.

McGrady, D
"Eco's Bestiary: The Basilisk and the Weasel"
The Italianist: Journal of the Department of Italian Studies, University of Reading, 12:75-82.

Sammer, M
Basilisk - regulus. Eine bedeutungsgeschichtliche Skizze
In: Dämonen, Monster, Fabelwesen, ed. by Ulrich Müller, Werner Wunderlich. UVK, St. Gallen Mittelaltermythen. 2. , pp. 131-160.

Sammer, M
Zur Bedeutungsgeschichte des Basilisken im Abendland
Euphorion, 92:143-221.

Sammer, M
Der Basilisk. Zur Natur- und Bedeutungsgeschichte eines Fabeltieres im Abendland. [Ausstellungsband].
München, Ed. by Herbert Utz Verlag.

Sax, B
The Basilisk and Rattlesnake, or a European Monster Comes to America
Society & Animals: PsyETA Journal, 2(1):3-15.

Schmidtke, D
Basilisk (basiliscus)
In: Geistliche Tierinterpretationen in der deutschsprachigen Literatur des Mittelalters (1100-1500), Berlin, vol. 1, vols. 2, pp. 250, Diss.

Walsh D
Romanesque capital: man with basilisks
Porticus, 2:12-17.

Wehrhahn-Stauch, L
In: Lexikon der christlichen Ikonographie, vol. 1, pp. Sp. 251-253.

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