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by Bibuser last modified 2007-06-26 08:56

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6 references in this bibliography folder.

Colantuono, A
Dies Alcyoniae: The invention of Bellini's "Feast of the Gods"
The Art Bulletin, 73:237-56.

Gresseth, GK
The myth of Alcyone
Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association, 95:88-98.

Harms, W
Der Eisvogel und die halkyonischen Tage. Zum Verhältnis von naturkundlicher Beschreibung und allegorischer Naturdeutung
In: Verbum et signum. Festschrift Friedrich Ohly, ed. by Hans Fromm et al., München, vol. 1, pp. 477-515.

Kroll, PW
The image of the Halcyon kingfisher in medieval chinese poetry
Journal of the American Oriental Society, 104:237-251.

Tammisto, A
Representations of the kingfisher (Alcedo Attis) in Graeco-Roman art
Arctos, 19:217-242.

Wehrhahn-Stauch, L
Lexikon der christlichen Ikonographie, 1:579f.

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