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You are here: Home Bibliographien II. Tiere in Tierallegorese und Tierkunde 1. Tierallegorese Bestiarien Memory’s Two Doors. Mnemotechnical Aspects of Richard de Fournival’s Bestiaire d’Amours and the Low-Rhenisch Morality book (Hannover, SLB, IV, 369)
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Willem P Gerritsen (2004)

Memory’s Two Doors. Mnemotechnical Aspects of Richard de Fournival’s Bestiaire d’Amours and the Low-Rhenisch Morality book (Hannover, SLB, IV, 369)

In: Medieval Memory. Image and Text, ed. by Frank Willaert/Herman Braet/Thom Mertens/Theo Venckeleer, Turnhout Textes et études du moyen âge. 27. .

by Bibuser last modified 2008-12-29 17:08
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