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Meraduth T McMunn (1989)

"Bestiary influences in two thirteenth-century romances"

In: Beasts and Birds of the Middle Ages: The Bestiary and its Legacy , ed. by Willene B. Clark & Meradith T. McMunn. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, pp. 134-150.

"The essays in Beasts and Birds of the Middle Ages, all by internationally known scholars, demonstate the scope and variety of bestiary studies and the ways in which the bestiary can be addressed. The contributers write about the tradition of one of the bestiary's birds, Parisian production of the manuscripts, bestiary animals in a liturgical book, theological as well as secular interpretations of beasts, bestiary creatures in literature, and new perspectives on the bestiary in other genres." - Introduction

In an appendix, the authors provide a list of western Latin and French bestiary manuscripts, extending the bestiary family classification system begun by The Bestiary: Being A Reproduction in Full of Ms. Ii 4. 26 in the University Library, Cambridge, with supplementary plates from other manuscripts of English origin, and a preliminary study of the Latin bestiary as current in England (Oxford, 1928) James (1928) and Medieval Latin and French Bestiaries (Chapel Hill, 1962) McCulloch (1962).

Includes articles by: The Art of Memory and the Bestiary (Philadelphia, 1989) Beryl Rowland, The Aviary-Bestiary at the Houghton Library, Harvard (Philadelphia, 1989) Willene B. Clark, Workshop methods in English late twelfth-century illumination and the production of luxury bestiaries (Philadelphia, 1989) Xenia Muratova, Guy R. Mermier, Spring, love, birdsong: the nightingale in two cultures (Philadelphia, 1989) Wendy Pfeffer, Duel of bestiaries. On Le Bestiaire d'amour by Richard de Fournival, and the anonymous Response appended to it in several manuscripts (Philadelphia, 1989) Jeanette Beer, An elephant in the litany: further thoughts on an English Book of Hours in the Walters Art Gallery (W.102). (Philadelphia, 1989) Lilian M. C. Randall, Bestiary influences in two thirteenth-century romances (Philadelphia, 1989) Meradith T. McMunn, Animal symbolism in the prophecies of Merlin (Philadelphia, 1989) Michael J. Curley, Notes on beasts in the Histoire ancienne jusqu'à César of Rogier, châtelain de Lille (Philadelphia, 1989) Mary Coker Joslin, Peacocks and preachers: analytic technique in Marcus of Orvieto's Liber de moralitatibus, Vatican lat. MS 5935 (Philadelphia, 1989) John B. Friedman.

224 p., black & white illustrations, extensive bibliography (since 1962), index, list of bestiary manuscripts, contributer biographies.

Language: English

ISBN: 0-8122-3091-4; LCCN: 894915; LC: PA8275.B4Z55 1989; DDC: 809.9336 20

by Bibuser last modified 2008-04-13 13:38
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