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You are here: Home Bibliographien II. Tiere in Tierallegorese und Tierkunde 1. Tierallegorese Bestiarien The decorated manuscripts of the Bestiary of Philippe de Thaon (The Ms 3466 from the royal library in Copenhagen and the Ms 246 in the Merton College Library) and the problem of the illustration of the medieval poetical bestiary
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Xenia Muratova (1981)

The decorated manuscripts of the Bestiary of Philippe de Thaon (The Ms 3466 from the royal library in Copenhagen and the Ms 246 in the Merton College Library) and the problem of the illustration of the medieval poetical bestiary

In: Third international beast epic, fable and fabliau colloquium, Munster, 1979, proceedings, ed. by J. Goossens / T. Sodmann. Böhlau, Köln / Wien, pp. 217-246.

by Bibuser last modified 2008-03-30 14:48
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