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by minev last modified 2008-10-20 14:49

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 8 references in this bibliography folder.

Ciccarese, MP
Animali simbolici. Alle origine del bestiario cristiano
Bologna, EDB Edizioni Dehoniane Bologna, Centro editoriale Dehoniano, vol. I. (Agnello - Gufo). Biblioteca Patristica. (ISBN: 88-10-52048-9). 39.

Cordonnier, R and Van den Abeele, B
Un palmier, sept fleurs et sept oiseaux. La Palma Contemplationis et ses témoins illustrés
Reinardus. Yearbook of the International Reynard Society, 23:65-103.

Duchet-Suchaux, G and Pastoureau, M
Le bestiaire médiéval. Dictionnaire historique et bibliographique
Paris, Le Léopard d'Or. (ISBN: 2-86377-176-0).

Harris, N
The Latin and German ‘Etymachia’. Textual History, Edition, Commentary
Tübingen: Niemeyer. Münchener Texte und Untersuchungen. 102.

Harris, N and Newhauser, R
Visuality and Moral Culture in the Late Middle Ages: The Emblematic Conflictus and Its Literary Representatives, the Etymachia, Qui vicerit dabo and In campo mundi
In: In the Garden of Evil. The Vices and Culture in the Middle Ages, ed. by Richard Newhauser, Toronto: Pontifical Institute for Mediaeval Studies Papers in Mediaeval Studies. 18. , pp. 234-76.

Jahn, B (ed.)
Tierepik und Tierallegorese. Studien zur Poetologie und historischen Anthropologie vormoderner Literatur
Frankfurt am Main (u.a.), Lang. Mikrokosmus. (ISBN: 3-631-51366-6). 71.

Mori, Y
The dragon and the serpent in Arthur's dream in Malory's "Le Morte D'Arthur"
Studies in Medieval English Language and Literature(23):55-66.

Zambo, F
L'alfabeto simbolico degli animali. I Bestiari del Medioevo
Mailand, Luni editrice. Biblioteca medievale. Saggi. (ISBN: 88-7984-256-0). 8.

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