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by Bibuser last modified 2007-03-22 08:03

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 353 references in this bibliography folder.

Albert, M
Bestiarien und Emblematik : Aspekte einer Säkularisierung
In: Bestiarien im Spannungsfeld zwischen Mittelalter und Moderne, ed. by Gisela Febel/Georg Maag. Gunter Narr, Tübingen, pp. 91-104.

Albert, M
Orpheus, der Löwe und die Taube. Bestiarien in den Romanischen Literaturen des 20. Jahrhunderts
Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift, N.F., 46:90-107.

Allen, JR
Norman sculpture and the medieval bestiaries
Dyfedd, Wales, Llanerch Publishers.

Ambrosio Sánchez, M
Los Bestiarios en la predicación castellana medieval
In: Actas del III congreso de la Asociación Hispánica de Literatura medieval, ed. by xx, Salamanca, pp. 915-921.

Andrews, HC
An Illustration of the bestiary?
Notes and Queries, 10:413.

Angremy, A
Les oeuvres poétiques de Pierre de Beauvois
Positions des thèses de l'Ecole des Chartes:17-21.

Armengaud, F and Poirion, D
In: Encyclopaedia universalis, ed. by 1968, Paris, vol. III, pp. 214-223.

Armijo, CE
El bestiario medieval: Una clave para la interpretación del Libro de los gatos
In: Caballeros, monjas y maestros en la Edad Media: Actas de las V Jornadas Medievales, ed. by Lilian von der Walde/Concepcion Company/Aurelio Gonzalez. Colegio de Mexico, University Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexiko Medievalia . 13. , pp. 205-219.

Arnott, M, Beavan, I, and Geddes, J
The Aberdeen Bestiary: an Online Medieval Text
Computers & Texts [CTI Textual Studies Newsletter], 11.

Badke, D
The Bestiary of Anne Walshe

Baker, C
De la Version courte à la Version longue du Bestiaire de Pierre de Beauvais: Nature et rôle de la citation
, ed. by Giuseppe di Stefano - Rose M. BidlerLe Moyen français, 55/56:7-22.

Baker, C
De la version courte à la version longue du Bestiare de Pierre de Beauvais: nature et rôle de la citation
In: Le bestiaire, le lapidaire, la flore. Actes du colloque international université Mc Gill, Montréal 7-8-9 octobre 2002, ed. by Giuseppe di Stefano, Rose M. Bidler, Montréal Le moyen français. 55-56. , pp. 7-22.

Baxter, R
Learning from nature: lessons in virtue and vice in the Physiologus and Bestiaries
In: Virtue and vice: the personifications in the Index of Christian art, ed. by Colum Hourihane. Princeton University Press, Princeton, pp. 21-41.

Baxter, R
Bestiaries and their users in the middle ages
Stroud, Alan Sutton Publishing.

Baxter, R
A baronial bestiary. Heraldic evidence for the patronage of ms. Bodley 764
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 50:196-200.

Baxter, RE
A study of the Latin bestiary in England: structure and use
London, PhD diss, University of London.

Baxter, RE
A baronial bestiary: heraldic evidence for the patronage of Manuscript Bodley 764
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 50:196-200.

Beavan, I, Arnott, M, and McLaren, CA
The Nature of the Beast; or, The Digitisation of the Aberdeen Bestiary
Library Hi Tech, 15(3-4):50-55.

Beer, J
A Gendered Debate from the Thirteenth Century
New Zealand Journal of French Studies, 23(2):34-39.

Beer, J
"Gendered discourse in two thirteenth-century bestiary texts"
Journal of the Institute of Romance Studies, 3:119-28.

Beer, J
Woman, authority and the book in the Middle Ages
In: Women, the Book and the Worldly: Selected Proceedings of the St Hilda's Conference, 1993, ed. by XX. D.S. Brewer, Cambridge, pp. 61-69.

Beer, J
A fourteenth century "Bestiaire d'amour"
, ed. by Brian Levy, Paul WackersReinardus, 4:19-26.

Beer, J
Duel of bestiaries. On "Le Bestiaire d'amour" by Richard de Fournival, and the anonymous response appended to it in several manuscripts
In: Beasts and Birds of the Middle Ages. The Bestiary and its Legacy, ed. by Willene B. Clark / Meradith T. McMunn. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, pp. 96-105.

Beer, J
Le Bestiaire d'Amour en vers
In: Medieval translators and their craft, ed. by J. Beer, Kalamazoo Studies in Medieval culture. XXV. , pp. 285-296.

Beer, J
Richard de Fournival’s anonymous lady: the character of the response to the bestiaire d’amour
Romance Philology, 42:267-273.

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