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by Bibuser last modified 2007-04-27 11:00

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 143 references in this bibliography folder.

Göller, KH
The dream of the dragon and the bear
In: The alliterative Morte Arthure. A reassessment of the poem, ed. by K. H. Göller, Cambridge, pp. 130-139, 177-179.

Haage, BD
Romancing the dragon. Zu Parzival 483, 12
In: Verstehen durch Vernunft: Festschrift für Werner Hoffmann, ed. by Burkhardt KRAUSE. Fassbaender, Wien, pp. 113-127.

Hatto, AT
Herzeloyde's dragon dream
German Life and Letters, 22:16-31.

Hebron, ME
Statistical Studies of the Iconography of the Dragon in Biblical texts of the 13th and 14th centuries
London, M. E. Hebron.

Hogarth, PJ
The evolution of a saint and his dragon
History Today, 30:17-22.

Honegger, T
Draco litterarius. Some Thoughts on an Imaginary Beast
In: Tiere und Fabelwesen im Mittelalter, ed. by Sabine Obermaier, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, pp. 131-146.

Hultgard, A
Örnens strid mot draken -- en armenisk apokalyps och dess medeltida kontext.
Kungliga Humanistiska Vetenskaps-Samfundet i Uppsala. Årsbok:23-35.

Huxley, F
The dragon: Nature of spirit, spirit of nature
London, Thames & Hudson.

Ingersoll, E
Dragons and dragon-lore
New York.

Ivanova, K
Chudoto sǔs zmeya, devitsata i desnitsata na Ǐoan Krǔstitel - edin neprouchen srednovekoven tekst
In: Slavia Orthodoxa: Ezik i kultura. Sbornik v chest na dfn Rumyana Pavlova, ed. by Sǔbka BOGDANOVA, Tsenka DOSEVA, Veselka ZHELYAZKOVA, Tsvetana RALEVA and Rostislav STANKOV. Universitetsko izdatelsko “Sv. Kliment Okhridksi”, Sofiya, pp. 171-181.

Jongh, Ed
Drakendoder en zielenweger
Kunstschrift, 44(6):28-33.

Smok Północy: analiza ikonograficzna sztokholmskiego wyobrażenia walki św. Jerzego dłuta Bernta Notke
In: Wyobraźnia Średniowieczna, ed. by Teresa MICHAŁOWSKA. Wydawnictwo Badán Literackich PAN, Warszawa, pp. 285-293.

Kiessling, NK
Antecedents of the Medieval Dragon in Sacred History
Journal of Biblical Literature, 89:167-175.

Klein, T
"Stonc aefter stane" (Beowulf, I.2288a): philology, narrative context, and the waking dragon
Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 106(1):22-44.

Kordecki, LC
Traditions and developments of the medieval English dragon
Dissertation Abstracts International, 41(11):4708.

Kürbis, B
Holophagus. O smoku wawelskim i innych smokach
In: Ars historica. Prace z dziejów powszechnych i Polski. Festschrift for Gerard Labuda (Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Seria Historia, 71). UAM, Poznań, pp. 163-178.

Lang, J
St. Michael, the dragon and the lamb on Early Tympana
Transactions of the architectiural and archaeological Society of Durham and Northumberland, 6:57-60.

Le Quellec J
La naturalisation du dragon en Europe
In: Saints et dragons, Brussels, vol. I Tradition wallonne. 13. , pp. 177-212.

Leclercq-Marx, J
Le Dragon comme métaphore des démons interieurs: mots et images
In: Le Dragon dans la culture médiévale: Colloque du Mont-Saint-Michel, 31 octobre - 1er novembre 1993, ed. by Danielle BUSCHINGER and Wolfgang SPIEWOK. Reineke Verlag, Greifswald. Greifswalder Beiträge zum Mittelalter. 24. , pp. 45-56.

Lecouteux, C
Der Drache
Zeitschrift für deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literatur, 108:13-31.

Lecouteux, C
Euphorion, 72:339-343.

Lee, AA
Gold-Hall and Earth-Dragon: 'Beowulf' as Metaphor
Toronto, University of Toronto Press.

Lelu, J
Le dragon et les trois chevaliers nantais
Bulletin de la Société de mythologie française(100):5-13.

Lemke, A
Drachen. Begegnungen im Mittelalter und in der Moderne
In: Tier im Text. Exemplarität und Allegorizität literarischer Lebewesen, ed. by Hans Jürgen Scheuer, Ulrike Vedder. Peter Lang AG, Bern [u.a.] Publikationen zur Zeitschrift für Germanistik. N.F. 29. , pp. 61-80.

Liepe, L
The knight and the dragon slayer. Illuminations in a fourteenth-century saga manuscript
In: Ornament and Order: Essays on Viking and Northern Medieval Art for Signe Horn Fulgesang, ed. by Margrethe C. Stang and Kristin B. Aavitsland. Tapir, Trondheim, pp. 179-199.

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