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Dilyana Radoslavova (2002)

Nyakoi aspekti na vzaimootnoshenieto mezhdu tekst i paratekstovo pole prez Srednovekovieto: pripiskata s teratomorfno izobrazhenie v rǔkopis Roe 27 (S.C. 273) ot Bodleanskata biblioteka

Godishnik na Sofiǐskiya Universitet “Sv. Kliment Ohridski”. Tsentǔr za slavyano-vizantiǐski prouchvaniya “Ivan Duǐchev”, 90(9):335-349.

The article identifies the inscribed drawing depicting a two-headed dragon as a mythic horse-like creature called tudorits attested in Balkan folklore, arguing that it was inspired by the headpiece preceding John Chrysostom's Sixth Homily on Genesis mentioning horse-racing.

Übersetzung des Titels: Some aspects of the relationship between text and paratext in the Middle Ages: the inscription with a terrathomorphic drawing in MS. Roe 27 (S.C. 273) from the Bodleian Library.
by Bibuser last modified 2015-01-11 12:38
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