References to publications, sorted by year and author.
There are 143 references in this bibliography folder.
Coulet, N
Un dragon nommé Tarascon
Provence historique, 41(166):574-578.
Cronin, Jr., G
John Mirk on Bonfires, Elephants and Dragons
Modern Language Notes, 57:113-116.
Crusvar, L
l drago alato nell'iconografia del basso Medioevo e alcune sue rivisitazioni fra Trieste, la Dalmazia e le terre veneziane
Atti e memorie della Società istriana di archeologia e storia patria, 52(104):159-213.
Cullus, F
Dragons, serpents et reptiles dans un bestiaire manuscrit du XIVe siècle (B.R. Bruxelles Ms. 8327-42)
Louvain-la-Neuve, Mém. Licence, Université catholique de Louvain.
de Fraipont, M
Les origines occidentales du type de Saint-Michel debout sur le dragon
Revue belge d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art, 7:289-302.
de Gourgues, A
Le Dragon de Bergerac : étude sur une question historique relative à la vie de S. Front
Debruyne, S
Sint Joris in een waterput. Een tinnen kan uit Putten
Westerheem, 56(4):229-234.
Du Mesnil du Buisson, R
Histoire du dragon viking
Au Pays d'Argentelles, 8:113-121.
Du Mesnil Du Buisson, R
L'histoire du dragon viking
Au Pays d'Argentelles, 8(3):113-121.
St. Margaret, Patroness of Childbirth
In: Mythological Women: Studies in Memory of Lotte Motz (1922-1997), ed. by Rudolpf Simek and Wilhelm Heizmann. Fassbaender, Wien, pp. 319-330.
Erkens, F
Ein Drache in Würzburg. Die Reichssynode und der Hoftag von 1287
Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte, 122(2-3):153-172.
Evans, JD
The Heynesbók dragon: an Old Icelandic maxim in its legal-historical context
Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 99(4):461-191.
Evans, JD
The Dragon
In: Mythical and Fabulous Creatures: A Sourcebook and Research Guide, ed. by Malcolm South, Westport: Greenwood, pp. 27-58.
Evans, JD
A Semiotic of the Old English Dragon
Bloomington, Indiana Univers. Press.
The Lai de Tylot and Lancelot and the Whitefooted Stag: two romances based on a folktale myth
Arthuriana: Quarterly of the International Arthurian Society, North American Branch, 4(3):233-249.
Frank, R
Three "cups" and a funeral in Beowulf
In: Latin Learning and English Lore, I: Studies in Anglo-Saxon Literature for Michael Lapidge , ed. by Katherine O'Brien O'Keefee and Andy Orchard. University of Toronto Press, Toronto, pp. 407-420.
Fraser, L
The dragon of Corriehills
Transactions of the Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society(74):107-111.
Fuwa, Y
The red dragon in early Arthurian chronicles : its transformation and political implications
Hiyoshi Review of English Studies(52):1-22.
Gabet, P
Saint Autbode, vainqueur du dragon
Bulletin de la Société de mythologie française(107):129-131.
Gainsford, P
The deaths of Beowulf and Odysseus: narrative time and mythological tale-types
Classica et mediaevalia(63):247-278.
Garde, J
Christian and folkloric tradition in Beowulf: death and the dragon episode
Literature and Theology, 11(4):325-346.
Gardner, J
Guilt and the world's complexity: the murder of Ongentheow and the slaying of the dragon
In: Anglo-Saxon Poetry: Essays in Appreciation for John C. McGalliard, ed. by Lewis E. NICHOLSON and Dolores Warwick FRESE. University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame-London, pp. 14-22.
Gill, M
"Now help, St George, oure lady knyght ... to strengthe our Kyng and England ryght": rare scenes of Saint George in a wall painting at Astbury, Cheshire
Transactions of the Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society(91 for 1995):91-102.
Guilcher-Pellat, Y
La légende de Saint Georges: du Mégalomartyr au Tropaîophoros
In: Miscellania Mediaevalia: Mélanges offerts à Philippe Ménard , ed. by J. Claude FAUCON, Alain LABBÉ and Danielle QUÉRUEL. Honoré Champion, Paris, pp. 601-611.
Gwara, S
Beowulf 3074-75: Beowulf appraises his reward
Neuphilologus, 92(2):333-338.