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Referenzen auf Publikationen, sortiert nach Erscheinungsjahr und Autoren.

Es sind 283 Referenzen in diesem Literaturverzeichnis

Fournée, J
Des animaux dans nos églises
Cahiers Léopold Delisle, XLIII.

Franco, H
Le pouvoir de la parole: Adam et les animaux dans la tapisserie de Gérone
Médiévales, 25:113-128.

Friedman, M
The falcon and the hunt: symbolic love imagery in medieval and renaissance art
In: Poetics of love in the Middle Ages. Texts and context, ed. by M. Lazar/N. Lacy, Fairfax, pp. 157-75.

Gannon, A
"King of all Beasts ­ Beast of all Kings: Lions in Anglo-Saxon Coinage and Art"
In: Medieval Animals , ed. by Aleks Pluskowski, Cambridge Archaeological Review from Cambridge. 18. , pp. 22-37.

Garadoz, P
Considérations sur les oiseaux de la Vierge au buisson de roses de Schongauer
Annuaire - Société d'histoire et d'archéologie de Colmar, 38:53-60.

Gardner, J
Torriti's birds
In: Medioevo: i modelli. Atti del Convegno internazionale di Studi, Parma, 1999, ed. by A. Quintavalle, Parma, pp. 605-614.

Garver, MS
Symbolic Animals of Perugia and Spoleto
The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, 32(181):152, 156-160.

Gathercole, PM
Animals in medieval French manuscript illumination
Lewiston/Queenston/Lampeter, The Edwin Mellen Press. (ISBN: 0-7734-8991-6).

Gerhardt, C
Der tierreiche Kalvarienberg. Ikonographische Untersuchungen zu den bemalten Kreuzigungsreliefs in Schwerin, Anklam, Ratzeburg und Lübeck
In: 'Waltende Spur'. Festschrift Ludwig Denecke. Heinz Rölleke, Kassel Schriften der Brüder Grimm-Gesellschaft Kassel. 25. , pp. 34-100.

Gerlach, P
'Tier, Tiere'
In: Lexikon der christlichen Ikonographie, vol. 4, pp. Sp. 315-317.

Gesner, K and Belanger Grafton, C
Beasts & Animals in Decorative Woodcuts of the Renaissance
New York, Dover Publications. Dover pictorial archive series.

Glasscoe, M and Swanton, M
Medieval Woodwork in Exeter Cathedral
Exeter, Dean and Chapter, Exeter Cathedral.

Glosecki, SG
Moveable beasts: the manifold implications of early Germanic animal imagery
In: Animals in the Middle Ages, ed. by N. Flores, New York/London, pp. 3-23.

Grössinger, C
Carlisle Cathedral Misericords: Style and Iconography
In: Carlisle and Cumbria: Roman and Medieval Architecture, Art and Archaeology, ed. by Michael McCarthy / David Weston. Maney Publishing, Leeds, pp. 199-213.

Grössinger, C
The World Upside-Down: English Misericords
London, Harvey Miller Publishers.

Grössinger, C
The misericords in Beverly Minster: their relationship to other misericords and fifteenth-century prints
In: Medieval Art and Architecture in the East Riding of Yorkshire, ed. by Chr. Wilson, London, pp. 186-94.

Grössinger, C
English Misericords of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries and their relationship to manucsript illuminations
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 38:97-108.

Guilmain, J
Zoomorphic decoration and the problem of the sources of Mozarabic illumination
Speculum, 35:17-38.

Hahn, C
The creation of the cosmos: Genesis illustration in the Octateuchs
Cahiers Archéologiques Paris, 28:29-40.

Hamann, R
Das Tier in der romanischen Plastik Frankreichs
In: Medieval studies in memory of A.K. Porter, ed. by W. Koehler, Boston, vol. II, pp. 413-52.

Haseloff, G
Germanische und östliche Tierornamentik
In: Popoli delle steppe: Unni, Avari, Ungari. Settimane die studio (Spoleto 1987), ed. by xx, Spoleto, vol. II, pp. 681-707.

Haseloff, G
Insular animal styles with particular reference to Irish art in the early medieval period
In: Ireland and insular art A.D. 500-1200. Proceedings of a conference at Univ. College Cork, 31 Oct. - 3 Nov. 1985, ed. by M. Ryan, Dublin, pp. 44-55.

Haseloff, G
Die germanische Tierornamentik der Völkerwanderungszeit
Berlin, vols. 3.

Hassall, WO
Medieval Animal Pictures
British History Illustrated, 5(2):20-25.

Hassig, D
Beauty in the beasts: a study of medieval aesthetics
Res, 19-20:137-161.

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