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by Bibuser last modified 2007-12-04 15:24

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 49 references in this bibliography folder.

Allen, JR
Norman sculpture and the medieval bestiaries
Dyfedd, Wales, Llanerch Publishers.

Benton, JR
Bestiaire médiéval
Abbeville/NewYork/Paris/London, Flammarion. (ISBN: 2-87946-016-6).

Bernárdez, CL and Mariño Ferro, XR
Bestiario en pedra : animais fabulosos na arte medieval galega
Vigo, Nigra Trea.

Bonnod, J
Le bestiaire de la cathédrale de Lyon
Lyon, Imp. Bosc.

Clair, C
Unnatural history: An Illustrated Bestiary
London/New York.

Clark, WB
The illustrated medieval aviary and the laybrotherhood
Gesta, XXI:63-74.

Clark, WB
Text and picture in the medieval aviary
Manuscripts, XXIV(1):5.

Collins, AH
Some Twelfth-Century Animal Carvings and their Sources in the Bestiaries
The Connoisseur, 106(472):238-243.

Dalas, M
Le bestiaire sigillaire des Capétiens au Moyen Age
(1989, 1984)
Revue française d'héraldique et de sigillographie(54-59):111-119.

De Clercq, C
Le rôle de l'image dans un manuscrit médiéval (Bodleian, Lyell 71)
Gutenberg Jahrbuch:23-30.

De Solons (trad.), E and Jean-Nesmy (introd.), C
Bestiaire roman
La Pierre-qui-vire, Zodiaque. Les points cardinaux. 25.

Debidour, V
Le bestiaire sculpté du Moyen Age en France
Grenoble. Grandes études d'art et d'archéologie. 2.

Dehaye, P (ed.)
Le bestiaire des sceaux et des monnaies

Dines, I
Mnemonic verses in medieval bestiaries
In: Yearbook of the International Reynard Society, ed. by Baudouin Van den Abeele, Paul Wackers. John Benjamins Publishing Company, vol. 22, pp. 50-64.

Domingo Pérez-Ugena, MJ
Bestiario en la escultura de las iglesias románicas de la provincia de A Coruña
A Coruña, Diputación Provincial de A Coruña.

Druce, GC
The Medieval bestiaries and their influence on ecclesiastical decorative art
British Archaeological Journal, XXVI(New Series):35-79.

Druce, GC
The Medieval bestiaries and their influence on ecclesiastical decorative art
British Archaeological Journal, XXV(New Series):41-82.

Duchet-Suchaux, G
Bestiaire Roman
Tournus, Centre International d'études romanes.

Duguy, R
Petit bestiaire roman d'Annis et de Saintonge
La Rochelle, Rupella.

Grivot, D
Le Bestiaire de la Cathedrale d'Autun
Lyon, Ange Michel.

Hartan, JP
Animals in Art: Mediaeval Bestiaries
Geographical Magazine, 22:182-190.

Hassig, D
Homo animal est, homo animal non est: Text and Image in Medieval English Bestiaries
, PhD Diss., Columbia University.

Heck, C and Cordonnier, R
Le bestiaire médiéval. L'animal dans les manuscrits enluminés
Paris, Citadelles & Mazenod.

Hoogvliet, M
De ignotis quarundam bestiarum naturis. Texts and Images from the Bestiary on Mediaeval Maps of the World
In: Animals and the symbolic in mediaeval art and literature, ed. by Luuk A. J. R. Houwen. Egbert Forsten, Groningen, pp. 189-208.

Ives, SA and Lehmann-Haupt, H
An English 13th Century Bestiary: A New Discovery in the Technique of Medieval Illumination
New York, H. P. Kraus. Rare Books Monagraphs. 1.

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