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Lerche - Export Bibliographical Entries

Select the format from the list below. Confirm by clicking Export.


Please select the file format for bibliography export.

A specific renderer to export bibliographical references in BiBTeX format. Note: If the output encoding of the BiBTeX renderer is not unicode capable, all non-ASCII characters will be resolved to LaTeX entities.

A specific EndNote renderer that exports bibliographical references in the EndNote text format.

A renderer that produces a PDF document containing bibliographical references. The PDF export is rendered by PDFLaTeX.

A specific renderer that exports bibliographical references in RIS (Research Information Systems/Reference Manager) format.

A specific XML (MODS) intermediate renderer. The XML intermediate format is conform to the Library of Congress's Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS). This is a very flexible standard that should prove quite useful as the number of tools that directly interact with it increase.
MS-DOS/Windows and UniX operating systems use a different ASCII sequence to indicate a line break. Depending on your favourite operating system, select your preferred end-of-line style here.

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