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Cecilia Muratori and Burkhard Dohm (ed.) (2013)

Ethical perspectives on animals in the Renaissance and early modern period

Firenze, SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo. Micrologus' Library. 55.

Cecilia Muratori, Burkhard Dohm, Introduction - Amber D. Carpenter, Eating Your Own: Exploring Conceptual Space for Moral Restraint - Matthias Roick, Animals at Court: Ethical Perspectives on Animals in Neapolitan Humanist Thought - Gabriella Zuccolin, Living with Animals at a 15th Century Court: Physiognomy, Dietetics and Poetry - Nicola Panichi, Montaigne and Animal Ethics - Guido Giglioni, Life and its Animal Boundaries: Ethical Implications of Early Modern Theories of Universal Animation - Cecilia Muratori, Eating (Rational) Animals: Campanella on the Rationality of Animals and the Impossibility of Vegetarianism - Burkhard Dohm, Vegetarismus-Konzepte im deutschen und englischen Spiritualismus des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts - James Vigus, "That Which People Do Trample Upon Must be Thy Food": The Animal Creation in The Journal of George Fox - Kathrin Schlierkamp, Die Kontinuität der Natur und die Verantwortung für Tiere und Umwelt in Anne Conways The Principles of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy - Rhodri Lewis, Thinking with Animals in the Early Royal Society: The Case of Sir William Petty - Urte Helduser, Das Monster als Grenzfigur. Leibniz, Locke und die Tier-/Mensch-Mischwesen der Renaissance - Gianni Paganini, Political Animals in Seventeenth-Century Philosophy: Some Rival Paradigms - Indexes. (source:

by Bibuser last modified 2014-07-10 10:01
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