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Orientalia - Orientalische Literatur

by Bibuser last modified 2007-08-25 12:48

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 20 references in this bibliography folder.

Alvarez de Morales, C
La zootécnia en los textos agrícolas árabes
In: Ciencias de la naturaleza en al-Andalus. Textos y estudios, ed. by E. García Sánchez, Granada, vol. 1, pp. 81-91.

Draelants, I, Tihon, A, and Van Den Abeele, B (ed.)
Occident et Proche Orient : traductions et contacts scientifiques au temps des Croisades
Turnhout , Brepols. Réminisciences. 5.

Edkins, J
Ancient Symbolism Among the Chinese
London, Trubner & Co.

Eisenstein, H
Mensch und Tier im Islam
In: Tiere und Menschen. Geschichte und Aktualität eines prekären Verhältnisses, ed. by Paul Münch, Paderborn u.a., pp. 121-145.

Eisenstein, H
Zu drei nordeuropäischen Tieren aus Ibn Said's Geographie
Acta Orientalia, 54:53-61.

Eisenstein, H
Einführung in die arabische Zoographie. Das tierkundliche Wissen in der arabisch-islamischen Literatur

Frankfort, H
The Art and Architecture of the Ancient Orient
London, Penguin Books. The Pelican History of Art.

Frenkel, Y
Animals and otherness in Mamlug Egypt and Syria
In: Animals and Otherness in the Middle Ages: Perspectives across disciplines, ed. by García García, Francisco de Asís / Walker Vadillo, Mónica Ann / Chico Picaza, María Victoria. Archaeopress, Oxford, pp. 49-62.

González Ginocchio, D
A Vicenna’s philosophy of the animal soul in context
In: Animals and Otherness in the Middle Ages: Perspectives across disciplines, ed. by García García, Francisco de Asís / Walker Vadillo, Mónica Ann / Chico Picaza, María Victoria. Archaeopress, Oxford, pp. 63-74.

Kolias, TG
The Horse in the Byzantine World
In: Le cheval dans les sociétés antiques médiévales. Actes des journées d'études internationales organisées par l'UMR 7044, Strasbourg, 7-6 novembre 2009, ed. by Stavros Lazaris. Brepols, Turnhout Bibliothèque de l'Antiquité tardive. 22. , pp. 87-97.

Kruk, R
Some late mediaeval zoological texts and their sources
In: Actas del XII. Congreso de la VEA (Málaga 1984), pp. 423-29.

Lauzi, E
Il destino degli animali. Aspetti delle tradizioni culturali araba e occidentale nel Medio Evo.
Micrologus' Library. (ISBN: 978-88-8450-431-9). 44.

Legrand, J
L'animal dans la tradition littéraire mongole
Cahiers d'Etudes Médiévales, 2/3:281-290.

Mayeur-Jaouen, C
L'animal exemplaire dans les récits de miracle en Islam
In: L'animal exemplaire au Moyen Âge (Ve - XVe siècles), ed. by Jacques Berlioz/Marie Anne Polo de Beaulieu, Rennes, pp. 81-95.

McDonald, M
Animal-books as a genre in Arabic literature
Bulletin of the British Society for Middle East Studies, 15:3-10.

Schapka, U
Die persischen Vogelnamen
Würzburg, Diss.

Schienerl, PW
Tierdarstellungen im Islam. Am Beispiel des Schmuck- und Amulettenwesens

Animal description in the poetry of Ibn Hafāǧa
In: Proceedings of the 14th Congress of the Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants, 2, Budapest, 29th August - 3rd September 1988, ed. by Alexander FODOR, Budapest: Csoma de Ko"rös Society, Section of Islamic Studies The Arabist: Budapest Studies in Arabic. 14. , pp. 203-211.

Strassberg, RE
A Chinese Bestiary: Strange Creatures from the Guideways Through Mountains and Seas
Berkeley, University of California Press.

Varisco, DM
Medieval Agriculture and Islamic Science : The Almanac of a Yemeni Sultan
Seattle, University of Washington Press.

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