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Es sind 60 Referenzen in diesem Literaturverzeichnis

Schaper, JLW
The unicorn in the Messianic imagery of the Greek Bible
Journal of Theological Studies, 45:117-136.

Schmidtke, D
Einhorn (unicornis)
In: Geistliche Tierinterpretationen in der deutschsprachigen Literatur des Mittelalters (1100-1500), Berlin, vol. 1, vols. 2, pp. 269-272, Diss.

Schönberger, G
Narwal-Einhorn. Studien über einen seltenen Werkstoff
Staedel Jahrbuch, 9:167-247.

Shepard, O
The lore of the unicorn

Shur, EG
An interpretation of the unicorn
Folklore, 75:91-109.

South, M
The Unicorn
In: Mythical and Fabulous Creatures: A Sourcebook and Research Guide, ed. by Malcolm South, Westport: Greenwood, pp. 5-26.

Varty, K
The Lion, the Unicorn and the Fox
In: Folklore Studies in the Twentieth Century, ed. by V[enetia] J. Newall. Brewer; Rowman & Littlefield, Woodbridge, UK/Totowa, N.J., pp. 412-418.

Vizkelety, A
In: Lexikon der christlichen Ikonographie, vol. 1, pp. 590-593.

Williamson, J
The Oak King, the Holly King, and the Unicorn: the Myths and Symbolism of the Unicorn Tapestries.
New York, Harper & Row.

Williamson, JB
The lady with the unicorn and the mirror
Reinardus, 3:213-226.

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