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by Bibuser last modified 2007-07-25 16:11

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 147 references in this bibliography folder.

Kinzelbach, R
Der Seidenschwanz Bombycilla garrulus (Linnacus 1758), in Mittel- und Südeuropa vor dem Jahr 1758
Kaupia. Darmstädter Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte, 5:1-62.

Kinzelbach, R
Der Seidenschwanz Bombycilla garrulus (Linnaeus 1758), in Mittel- und Südeuropa vor dem Jahre 1758
Kaupia. Darmstädter Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte, 5:1-62.

"Awak!": Chaucer translates bird song
In: The Medieval Translator, 5 / Traduire au Moyen Age, 5: Proceedings of the International Conference of Conques (26-29 July 1993) / Actes du Colloque international de Conques (26-29 juillet 1993), ed. by Roger ELLIS and René TIXIER, Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 390-418.

Kopf, L
The bird ’anūq (A Lexicological Study Concerning Arabic Zoology)
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society:157-64.

Kádár, Z
In: Lexikon der christlichen Ikonographie, vol. 1, pp. Sp. 354.

Lacroix, J
La paix ailée de l'évangéliaire de Saint François d'Assise (les oiseaux du franciscanisme)
Reinardus, 14:153-172.

Leach, EE
'The Little Pipe Sings Sweetly While the Fowler Deceives the Bird': Sirens in the Later Middle Ages
Music & Letters, 87(2):187-211.

Lockwood, WB
The common Celtic terms for "starling" and "thrush"
Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies, 34:124-5.

Lyons, F
The bird as messenger of love in XIIth-century courtly literature
Bull. Bibl. de la Soc. Intern. Arthur., 21:158.

Malaxecheverria, J
La prétendue "fulica" d'Eneas
ZRPh, 98:151-155.

Marc'Hadour, G
Woodcock et bécasse: avatars d'une métaphore shakespearienne
Hamlet Studies, 61(1/2):97-104.

Marruncheddu, S
Animaux, méprises et tromperies. Réflexions sur l'image de certains oiseaux dans la nouvelle italienne.

Mazoyer, M, Pérez Rey, J, Malbram-Labat, F, and Le Brum, R (ed.)
L'oiseau entre ciel et terre
Paris, L'Harmathan. Collection Kubaba. Serie Actes. 5.

McConchie, RW
"Philip Sparrow". Obscene bird satire in late-medieval English verse
Parergon, 24:31-35.

Meaney, A
Birds on the Stream of Consciousness: Riddles 7 to 10 of the Exeter Book
In: Medieval Animals, ed. by Aleks Pluskowski, Cambridge Archaeological Review from Cambridge. 48. , pp. 119-151.

Nicholes, EL
The Symbol of the Sparrow
, University of Oklahoma Press.

O'Cuiv, B
Some Gaelic traditions about the wreu
Eigse, XVIII(1):43-66.

O'Mara, M
Curuca and Juvenal's Satire 6
Classical Philology, 74:242-244.

O. Dochartaigh, L
An spideog i scéaloícht na h Éireann
Béaloideas, 50:90-125.

O. Dochartaigh, L
An spideog i scéaloícht na h'Eireamn
Béaloideas, 50:90-125.

O. Dochartaigh, L
An spideog i scéaloícht na h Éireann [The robin in Irish storytelling]
Béaloideas, 45-47:164-98.

Parsons, JJ
The origin and dispersal of the domesticated canary
Journal of cultural geography, 7:19-34.

Peters, H
"Miles Christianus" oder Falke und Taube
In: Festschrift für Otto von Simson zum 65. Geburtstag, ed. by L. Griesebach, K. Renger. Propyläen, Berlin, pp. 53 ff.

Plouvier, L
Introduction de la dinde en Europe
Scientiarum historia, 21:13-34.

Pujol, R
A propos des pots à moineaux

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