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by Bibuser last modified 2007-07-25 16:11

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 147 references in this bibliography folder.

Toth-Ubbens, MM
Kijken naar een vogeltje
In: Miscellanea P. Q. van Regteren Altena, ed. by XX, Amsterdam, pp. 155-159.

Tymoczko, M
The semantic field of Early Irish terms for black birds and their implications for species taxonomy
In: Celtic Language, Celtic Culture. A Festschrift for E. P. Hamp, ed. by Matonis. Van Nuys, California, pp. 151-171.

Van Den Abeele, B
L'’exemplum’ et le monde animal : le cas des oiseaux chez Nicole Bozon
Le Moyen Age, 94:51-72.

Van Den Abeele, B
L'image des oiseaux dans un recueil médiéval d''exempla': les "Contes Moralisés" de Nicole Bozon

Walker, MC
Bird Legens and Life
New York.

Weicker, G
Der Seelenvogel in der alten Literatur und Kunst

Witteveen, J
On swans, cranes and herons: part 3, herons
Petits propos culinaires, 26:65-73.

Witteveen, J
On swans, cranes and herons: part 2, cranes
Petits propos culinaires, 25:50-59.

Witteveen, J
On swans, cranes and herons: part 1, swans
Petits propos culinaires, 24:22-31.

Wittkower, R
Miraculous Birds, 1. "Physiologicus" in Beatus-Manuscripts. 2. Roc: an eastern prodigy in a Dutch engraving.
Journal of the Warburg and Constauld Institutes, 1:253-257.

Wittkower, R
Miraculous Birds
Journal of the Warburg Institute, 1:253-54.

Wormhoud, A
The unconscious bird symbolism in literature
American imago, 7:173-82.

Yapp, B
Birds in continental manuscripts in the Bodleian Library: MSS. Douce 62 and Lat. liturg. f. 3
Bodleian Library Record, 13:283-89.

Yapp, B
Medieval knowledge of birds as shown in bestiaries
Archives of Natural History (Society for the History of Natural History), 14(2):175-210.

Yapp, B
The Illustrations of Birds in the Vatican Manuscript of "De arte venandi cum avibus" of Frederick II.
Annals of Science, XL:597-634.

Yapp, B
Birds in Medieval Manuscripts

Yapp, WB
Birds in some medieval manuscripts at Aberdeen
Aberdeen University Review, L(2.170):133-142.

Yapp, WB
Birds in captivity in the Middle Ages
Archives of Natural History, X:479-500.

Yapp, WB
The birds of English medieval manuscripts
Journal of Medieval History, 5:316-349.

Yeatman, CJ
Histoire des oiseaux d'Europe
Paris, Bordas.

Zajadacz-Hastenrath, S
The bird Carista
Journal of the Warburg and Constauld Institutes, 36:355-357.

Zircle, C
Animals Impregnated by the Wind
Isis, XXV:95-130.

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