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by Bibuser last modified 2007-07-25 16:11

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 147 references in this bibliography folder.

Bussagli, M
Gli angeli e i venti: considerazioni sul simbolismo aereo delle ali angeliche
Arte Medievale, 5(2):107-126.

Buxton, J
A further note on sea-birds
Journal of Hellenic Studies, 94:170-171.

Cattabiani, A
Volario. Simboli, miti e misteri degli esseri alati: uccelli, insetti, creature fantastiche
Mailand, Mondadori.

Charpentier, J
Poison-detecting birds
Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, 5(2):233-242.

Charrier, B
Encore la mauvis
Bulletin des jeunes romanistes, VIII:43.

Charrier, B
Les avatars de la mauvis ou d'une grive qui fut prise pour merle et pour cochevis
Bulletin des jeunes romanistes, VI:26-36.

Churchill, A
Birds in literature

Collins, AH
Symbolism of Animals and Birds

Collins, AH
Symbolism of animals and birds represented in English church-architecture
New York, McBride, Nast & Company.

Connochie-Bourgne, C (ed.)
Déduits d'oiseaux au Moyen Age
, Publications de l'Université de Provence. Senefiance. 54.

Courcelle, P
Saint Benoît, le merle et le buisson d'épines
Journal des Savants:154-161.

Davy, M
L'oiseau et sa symbolique
Paris, Albin Michel. Spiritualités vivantes.

Dawson, WR
The Bee-eater from the Earliest Times
Isis, 7:590-593.

De Kay, C
Bird Gods of Ancient Europe

Delgado, M
'... wie ein einsamer Vogel auf dem Dach' (Ps 101/102,8). Zur Bildersprache des Johannes vom Kreuz
In: Religiöse Sprache und ihre Bilder. Von der Bibel bis zur modernen Lyrik, ed. by Andreas Hölscher/Rainer Kampling, Berlin, pp. 200-224.

Druce, GC
Notes on Birds in Mediaeval Church Architecture
Antiquary, 50(416 (July); 417 (August); 419 (October)):248-252; 298-300; 381-384.

Eis, G
Das Rätsel vom "Vogel federlos"
In: Gerhard Eis, Altdeutsche Zaubersprüche. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 67-76.

Feiss, H and Pepin, RE
Birds in Beinecke MS 189
Yale University Library Gazette, 68(3-4):110-115.

Fisher, I
A history of birds

Forbes, TR
Chalcedony and childbirth: precious and semi-precious stones as obstetical amulets
The Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, 35:390-440.

Fowler, WW
Aves Diomedae
Classical Review, 32:66-68.

Friedman, H
The Symbolic Goldfinch. Its History and Significance in European Devotional Art
New York. The Bollingen Series. VII.

Friend, AC
The tale of the captive bird and the traveler. Nequam, Berechiah and Chaucer's "Squire Tale"
Medievalia et Humanistica, I:57-65.

Gallo, FA and Bugano, F
"OCI". Voci d'uccelli in testi medievali
Ravenna, Longo Editore. Le Tessere. 14.

Garrigues, M
Honorius Augustodunensis. "De esu volatilium"
Studia Monastica, 28:75-130.

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