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Sie sind hier: Startseite Bibliographien I. Tiere im Mittelalter 3. Tier in der Kultur des Menschen Wissenschaft(en) A history of magic and experimental science

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Lynn Thorndike (1923-58)

A history of magic and experimental science

New York, Columbia University Press, vols. 8.

Vol. 1: During the first thirteen centuries of our era
Repr. 1923 Columbia Univ. Press. - 1975

Vol. 2: During the first thirteen centuries of our era
Repr. 1923 Columbia Univ. Press. - 1975

Vol. 3: Fourteenth and fifteenth centuries
Repr. 1934 Columbia Univ. Press. - 1975

Vol. 4: Fourteenth and fifteenth century
Repr. 1934 Columbia Univ. Press. - 1975

Vol. 5: The sixteenth century
Repr. 1941 Columbia Univ. Press. - 1975

Vol. 6: The sixteenth century
Repr. 1941 Columbia Univ. Press. - 1975

Vol. 7: The seventeenth century
Repr. 1958 Columbia Univ. Press. - 1975

Vol. 8: The seventeenth century
Repr. 1958 Columbia Univ. Press. - 1975

von BibuserZuletzt verändert: 08.03.2009 18:29
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