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by Bibuser last modified 2007-08-25 12:47

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 96 references in this bibliography folder.

Steele, R
Medieval Lore: an Epitome of the Science Geography Animal and Plant Folk-Lore and Myth of the Middle Age
London, Elliot Stock.

Stresemann, E
Ornithology from Aristotle to the Present
Cambridge (Mass), Harvard University Press.

Stresemann, E
Die Entwicklung der Ornithologie von Aristoteles bis zur Gegenwart

Strunz, F
Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften im Mittelalter

Sylla, E and McVaugh, M
Text and contexts in Ancient and Medieval science. Studies on the occasion of John E. Murdoch’s Seventieth Birthday
Leiden/New York/Köln, Brill. Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History. 78.

Taton et al., R
Histoire générale des sciences. La science moderne
Paris, vol. II, vols. 2.

Taton, R, Arnaldez, R, Beaujeu, J, and Beaujouan, G
Histoire générale des sciences. La science antique et médiévale (des origines à 1450)
Paris, vol. I, vols. 2.

Theodorides, J
Pour une étude scientifique et critique de la zoologie médiévale
Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences, 10:341-347.

Theodoridès, J
La zoologie au Moyen Age

Thorndike, L
A history of magic and experimental science. Fourteenth and fifteenth centuries
New York, vol. 3-4, vols. 4, 4. ed.

Thorndike, L
A history of magic and experimental science during the first thirteen centuries of our era
New York, vol. 1-2, vols. 4, 6. ed.

Thorndike, L
A history of magic and experimental science
New York, Columbia University Press, vols. 8.

Torchio, M
Introduzione alla conoscenze biologiche nell'Occidente alto medievale
Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. e Museo Civ. Stor. Nat. Milano, 105:123-146.

Van den Abeele, B
Les albums ornithologiques de Jacques Dalechamps, médecin et naturaliste à Lyon (1513-1588)
Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences, 148:3-45.

Van den Abeele, B
De wetenschappen en de geneeskunde buiten het Aristotelisme
In: Geschiedenis van de wetenschappen in België van de Oudheid tot 1815. Gemeentekrediet, Brussel, pp. 57-69.

Van den Abeele, B
Les sciences et la médecine en dehors de l’Aristotélisme
In: Histoire des sciences en Belgique, des origines à 1815. Crédit Communal, Bruxelles, pp. 57-69.

Weisheipl, JA
Classification of the sciences in Medieval thought
Medieval studies, 27:54-90.

Weiss, B
Literatur zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften und Technik

White, L
Natural science and naturalistic art in the Middle Ages
American historical review, LII:421-435.

Whitehead, P, van Vliet, G, and Stearn, W
The Clusius and other natural history pictures in the Jagiellon Library, Kraków
Archives of natural history, 16:15-32.

Zeuner, F
History of domesticated animals

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