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by Bibuser last modified 2007-08-25 12:47

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 96 references in this bibliography folder.

Mayor, A
The First Fossil Hunters: Paleontology in Greek and Roman Times
Princeton; Oxford, Princeton University Press.

Meier Reeds, K and Kikukawa, T
Medieval Natural History
In: The Cambridge History of Science, ed. by David C. Lindberg and Michael H. Shank. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, vol. 2, pp. 569-589.

Meier, C
Argumentationsformen kritischer Reflexion zwischen Naturwissenschaft und Allegorese
Frühmittelalterliche Studien, XII:116-159.

Molland, A
Medieval ideas of scientific progress
Journal of the history of ideas, 39:571.

Mullan, B and Marvin, G
Zoo Culture
London, Widenfeld & Nicolson.

Murdoch, JE
Album of Science: Antiquity and the Middle Ages
New York.

Nitschke, A
Naturkenntnis und politisches Handeln im Mittelalter

No names specified
Los animales en la ciencia y la vida humana. Ilustraciones zoológicas de un milenio (Siglos XI-XX)
Valencia, Fundación Bancaja. (ISBN: 84-8471-005-X).

No names specified
Il teatro della natura = The theatre of nature / [Red. Véronique Pasche ...]
Paris u.a.: Brepols. Micrologus . 4.

No names specified
La science de la nature: théories et pratiques
Montréal/Paris: Bellarmin. Cahiers d'etudes medievales (Montreal, Quebec). (ISBN: 0885021800 ). 2.

Osborne, J
The Ornitology of Anglo-Saxon England

Overmier, J
The history of biology. A selected, annotated bibliography
New York, Garland.

Petit, G and Theodoridès, J
Histoire de la zoologie. Des origines à Linné
Paris, Hermann. Histoire de la pensée. 8.

Pouchet, F
Histoire des sciences naturelles au Moyen Age

Ribémont, B
Le Moyen Age et la science. Approche de quelques disciplines et personnalités scientifiques médiévales. Actes du colloque d’Orléans, 21-22 avril 1988
Paris, Klincksieck. Sapience. 4.

Roberts, LD (ed.)
Approaches to nature in the Middle Ages
Binghamton/New York. Medieval and Renaissance texts and studies. 16.

Ronsil, R
Bibliographie ornithologique française. Travaux publiées en langue française et en latin en France et dans les colonies françaises de 1473 à 1944

Sarton, G
Introduction to the history of science. Science and learning in the XIVth century
Baltimore, vol. III, vols. 3.

Sarton, G
Introduction to the history of science. From Rabbi Ben Ezza to Roger Bacon
Baltimore, vol. II, vols. 3. 1950.

Sarton, G
Introduction to the history of science
Baltimore, vols. 3.

Sarton, G
Introduction to the history of science. From Homer to Omar Khayyan
Baltimore, vol. I, vols. 3.

Schulze-Hagen, K, Steinheimer, F, Kinzelbach, R, and Gasser, C
Avian taxidermy in Europe from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance
Journal für Ornithologie, 144:459-478.

Simonetta, AM
La conoscenza del mondo animale dalla romanità al medioevo
In: L'uomo di fronte al mondo animale nell'alto medioevo (7-13 aprile 1983), Spoleto, pp. 107-126.

Stanford, F
The Ornithology of Anglo-Saxon England
, ed. by John OsborneÐa Engliscan Gesiþas.

Stannard, J
Natural History
In: Science in the Middle Ages, ed. by D.L. Lindberg, Chicago/London, pp. 429-460.

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