References to publications, sorted by year and author.
There are 96 references in this bibliography folder.
Federici Vescovini, G
Filosofia e scienza classica, arabo-latina medievale e l’età moderna
Louvain-la-Neuve, Fédération internationale des Instituts d’études médiévales. Textes et études du moyen âge. 11.
Flores, NC
Animals in the Middle Ages
New York/London, Routledge.
Gerhardt, MJ
Zoologie médiévale: préoccupations et procédés
In: Methoden in Wissenschaft und Kunst des Mittelalters, ed. by A. Zimmermann. de Gruyter, Berlin Miscellanea Mediaevalia. 7. , pp. 231-248.
Goetz, W
Die Entwicklung des Wirklichkeitssinnes vom 12. bis zum 14. Jahrhundert
Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 27:33-73.
Goyens, M, De Leemans, P, and Smets, A
Science translated. Latin and vernacular translations of scientific treatises in medieval Europe
University Press, Leuven. Mediaevalia Lovaniensia Series I / Studia. XL.
Gransden, A
Realistic observation in the 12th-century England
Speculum, 47:29-51.
Gualdo, R
Le parole della scienza. Scritture tecniche e scientifiche in volgare (secoli XIII-XV). Atti del Convegno (Lecce, 16-18 aprile 1999)
Galatina, Congedo Editore.
Haskins, C
Studies in the history of Medieval science
Cambridge/Harvard U.P.
Hays, R
Birds, beasts and men: A humanist history of zoology
New York, Putnam.
Hulme, EF
Natural history lore and legend
Hünemörder, C
In: LexMA, vol. 8, pp. 772-774.
Jacquart, D and Burnett, C
Scientia in margine. Études sur les marginalia dans les manuscrits scientifiques du Moyen Âge à la Renaissance
Genf, Droz.
Jaquart, D
L'observation dans les sciences de la nature au Moyen Age
Micrologus, 4:55-75.
Jayawardene, S
Reference books for the historian of science
London, Science Museum.
Jehan, L
Dictionnaire de Zoologie ou Histoire naturelle publ. par l'abbé Migne
Paris. Encyclopédie théologique. II.
Johnston, DW
The earliest known compiled list of North American Birds (1582)
Archives of Natural History(29):265-275.
Knight, D
Sources for the history of sciences, 1660-1914
London. The Sources of History. Studies in the uses of historical evidence.
Kren, C
Medieval science and technology. A selected, annoted bibliography
New York/London.
Langlois, C
La vie en France au Moyen Age, du XIIe au milieu du XIVe s. La connaissance de la nature et du monde
Paris, vol. III.
Lemay, R
Libri naturales et sciences de la nature dans la scolastique latine du XIIIe siècle
In: Proceedings of the XIVth International Congress of the History of Science, ed. by xx, vol. 2, chap. 61-64.
Levère, T
Editing texts in the history of science and medicine: papers given at the 17th annual conference on editorial problems, Univ. Toronto, 6-7 nov. 1981
New York/London, Garland.
Ley, W
Dawn of Zoology
Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall.
Lindberg, DC
Science in the Middle Ages
Lindren, U
Europäische Technik im Mittelalter: 800 bis 1200 - Tradition und Innovation
Berlin, Mann.
Lop Otín, M
Un «zoológico» en la Biblioteca de la catedral de Toledo
In: Animales simbólicos en la historia. Desde la protohistoria hasta el final de la edad media, ed. by M. R García Huerta / F. Ruiz Gomez. Editorial Síntesis, Madrid, pp. 365-380.