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by Bibuser last modified 2010-02-07 17:17

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 73 references in this bibliography folder.

Mitchell, V
Birds of the Bible
Berkhamstead, Lion Publishing.

Musakova, E
Ioan Krŭstitel pobezhdava zmeya
Starobŭlgarska literatura(33-34):275-288.

No names specified
Cento anni di bibliografia ambrosiana
Mailand, Ed. by P.F. Beatrice et al. Studia Patristica Mediolanensia. 11.

No names specified
Sancti Ambrosii episcopi mediolanensis opera: Exameron
Mailand/Rom, vol. I.

No names specified
Fauna and flora of the Bible
Un. Bibl. Soc. Helps for translations. 11.

Antiochiai Margit, a sárkány és a szülő nők
In: Magyaroknak eleiről: Ünnepi tanulmányok a hatvan esztendős Makk Ferenc tiszteletére, ed. by Ferenc PITI and György SZABADOS. Szegedi Középkorász Műhely, Szeged, pp. 401-419.

Pangrist, W
Das Tier in der Bibel

Parmelee, A
All the birds of the Bible. Their stories, identification and meaning
New York, Harper.

Peterson, WW
Das Tier im Alten Testament

Pinney, R
The animals in the Bible, identity and natural history of all the animals mentioned in the Bible

Poesch, J
The beasts from Job in the "Liber Floridus"
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 33:41-51.

Rowland, B
The Relationship of St. Basil's Hexameron to the Physiologus
In: Épopée Animale, Fable, Fabliau: Actes du IVe Colloque de la Société Internationale Renardienne, ed. by Gabriel Bianciotto / Michel Salvat. Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, pp. 489-498.

Rowland, B
The relationship of St. Basil's "Hexaemeron" to the "Physiologus"
In: Epopée animale, fable, fabliau. Actes... Eoreux 1981, ed. by G. Bianciotto/M. Salvat, Paris, pp. 489-498.

Smith, KP
Serpent-damsels and dragon-slayers: overlapping divinities in a medieval tradition
In: Christian Demonology and Popular Mythology. Central European University Press, Budapest(Gabor Klaniczay and Eva Pocs), pp. 121-138.

Springer, CP
Of Roosters and Repetitio: Ambrose's Aeterne rerum conditor
Vigiliae Christianae: A Review of Early Christian Life and Language, 68(2):155-177.

Stoikova, A
Adzharska sleda v Chudoto na sv. Georgi sus zmeya
Starobŭlgarska literatura(33-34):235-246.

Theresa of the cross springer, M.A., M
Nature-imagery in the works of Saint-Ambrose
Washington. The Catholic Univ. of Am. Patiristic St.. XXX.

Thorndike, L
Early Christianity and natural science. Basil, Epiphanicus and the Physiologus
Biblical Review, 7:332-356.

Totev, K
Nagrŭdni olovni ikoni s izobrazheniya na sv. Georgi Voĭn, peshak i drakonoborets
Godishnik na Sofiǐskiya Universitet “Sv. Kliment Ohridski”. Tsentǔr za slavyano-vizantiǐski prouchvaniya “Ivan Duǐchev”, 93(12):131-138.

Touber, AH
Le dragon dans le drame religieux en Allemagne
In: Le Dragon dans la culture médiévale: Colloque du Mont-Saint-Michel, 31 octobre - 1er novembre 1993, ed. by Danielle BUSCHINGER and Wolfgang SPIEWOK. Reineke Verlag, Greifswald. Greifswalder Beiträge zum Mittelalter. 24. , pp. 103-111.

Wang, Y
The image of St. George and the dragon: promotin books and book producers in pre-Reformation England
The Library, ser.7,5(4):370-401.

White, M
The rise of the dragon in Middle Byzantine hagiography
Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 32(2):149-167.

Zsoldos, A
Adalékok a magyar koronázási palást Krisztus-ábrázolásának eszmetörténeti hátteréhez
Aetas: Történettudományi folyóirat(1):5-13.

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