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by Bibuser last modified 2007-08-25 12:45

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 41 references in this bibliography folder.

Ervynck, A
The role of birds in the economy of medieval and post-medieval Flanders: a diversity of interpretation problems
Archaeofauna, 2:107-119.

Forest, V
Alimentation carnée dans le Langnedoc médiéval: les témoignages archéozoologiques des vertébrés supérieurs
Archéologie du Midi médiéval, 15/16:141-160.

Gautier, A
L'apport de l'étude des vestiges d'animaux à la reconstitution archéologique: une introduction à l'archéozoologie
Revue du Nord, 70:23-37.

Herández Carrasquilla, F
Una fauna medieval inusual: las aves de Cava Baja (prov. Madrid, España)
Archaeofauna, 2:169-174.

Janssens, W
Das Tier im Spiegel der archäologischen Zeugnisse
In: L'uomo di fronte al mondo animale nell'alto medioevo (7-13 aprile 1983), ed. by XX, Spoleto, pp. 1231-1309 + XX pl., Disk. 1311-1317.

Morales Múniz, A
Ornithoarchaeology: the various aspects of the classification of bird remains from archaeological sites
Archaeofauna. Revista de la Asociación espanola de Arauozoología, 2:1-13.

No names specified
Archaeornithology: Birds and the archaeological record. Proceedings of the first meeting of the ICAZ Bird zorking group, Madrid, October 1992
Archaeofauna, 2:269p..

O’Connor, T
"Medieval Zooarchaeology: What Are We Trying to Do?"
In: Medieval Animals, ed. by Aleks Pluskowski Archaeological Review from Cambridge . 18. , pp. 3-21.

O’Connor, T
Medieval Zooarchaeology: What Are We Trying to Do?
In: Medieval Animals, ed. by Aleks Pluskowski, Cambridge Archaeological Review from Cambridge. 18. .

Pluskowski, A
The Dragon’s Skull: How can Zooarchaelogists contribute to our Understanding of Otherness in the Middle Ages?
In: Animals and Otherness in the Middle Ages: Perspectives across disciplines, ed. by García García, Francisco de Asís / Walker Vadillo, Mónica Ann / Chico Picaza, María Victoria. Archaeopress, Oxford, pp. 109-124.

Pluskowski, AG
The value of exotica in medieval Europe: the treatment of imported animals after death
In: Animals as Material Culture in the Middle Ages, 2, ed. by G. de Venuto / A. Buglione .

Pluskowski, AG
Constructing exotic animals in late medieval Britain
In: The Unorthodox Imagination in Late Medieval Britain, ed. by S. Page.

Pluskowski, AG
Communicating through skin and bone: the appropriation of animal bodies in medieval western seigneurial culture
In: Breaking and Shaping Beastly Bodies: Animals as Material Culture in the Middle Ages, ed. by A. G. Pluskowski. Oxbow, Oxford.

Pluskowski, AG
Narwhals or unicorns? Exotic animals as material culture in medieval Europe
European Journal of Archaeology, 7(3):291-313.

Reichstein, H
Vergleichende Betrachtungen zur Avifauna frühgeschichtlicher Siedlungen im nordwestdeutschen Küstengebiet
Offa, 43:95-104.

In: L'uomo di fronte al mondo animale nell'alto medioevo (7-13 aprile 1983).

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