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by Bibuser last modified 2008-08-06 09:20

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 11 references in this bibliography folder.

Borg, ACN
The royal menagerie
In: The Tower of London: its buildings and institutions, ed. by J. Charlton, London, pp. 100-103.

Giese, M
Die Tierhaltung am Hof Kaiser Friedrichs II. zwischen Tradition und Innovation
In: Herrschaftsräume, Herrschaftspraxis und Kommunikation zur Zeit Friedrichs II., ed. by Knut Görich/Jan Keupp/Theo Broekmann, München Münchener Beiträge zur Geschichtswissenschaft. 2. , pp. 121-171.

Guiffrey, J
La ménagerie du duc Jean de Berry, 1370-1403
Mémoires de la Société des Antiquaires du Centre, 23:63-84.

Hauck, K
Tiergärten im Pfalzbereich
In: Deutsche Königspfalzen, ed. by Adolf Gauert, Göttingen, vol. 1 Veröffentlichungen des MPIG. 11. , pp. 30-74.

Littlewood, A
Gardens of the Palaces
In: Byzantine Court Culture from 829 to 1204, ed. by Maguire, H., Washington D.C., pp. 13-38.

Littlewood, A
Imperial gardens and the rhetoric of renewal
In: New Constantines. The Rhythm of Imperial Renewal in Byzantium, 4th-13th Centuries, ed. by Magdalino, Paul, Aldershots, pp. 181-198.

Loisel, G
Histoire des ménageries de l'Antiquité à nos jours
Paris, vols. 3.

Morales Muniz, DC
La fauna éxotica en la Peninsula Ibérica: apuntes para el estudio del coleccionismo animal en el Medievo hispánico
Espacio, tiempo y forma, serie III, 13:233-270.

Théodoridès, J
Les animaux des jeux de l’hippodrome et des ménageries impériales a Constantinople
Byzantinoslavica, 19:73-84.

Youmans, CL
Medieval Menagerie
Havana, Seoane, Fernández y Cia.

Ševčenko, NP
Wild Animals in the byzantine Park
In: Byzantine Garden Culture, ed. by Littlewood, Anthony / Maguire, Henry / Wolschke-Bulmahn, Joachim , Washington D.C., pp. 69-86.

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