Nordische Literatur
Referenzen auf Publikationen, sortiert nach Erscheinungsjahr und Autoren.
Es sind 15 Referenzen in diesem Literaturverzeichnis
Beck, H
Die Tiere der Jagd und Walstatt in den eddischen Liedern
In: Das Tier in der Dichtung, ed. by Ute Schwab. Carl Winter, Heidelberg, pp. 55-73, 259-267.
Byock, JL
The Saga of the Volsungs. The Norse Epic of Sigurd the Dragon Slayer
Berkeley/Los Angeles/Oxford, Univers. of California Press.
Byock, JL
Sigurðr Fáfnisbani: an Eddic hero carved on Norwegian stave churches
In: Poetry in the Scandinavian Middle Ages: The Seventh International Saga Conference. Atti del 12° Congresso internazionale di studi sull'Alto Medioevo, Spoleto 4-10 settembre 1988, ed. by Teresa Pàroli. Centro italiano di studi sull'Alto Medioevo, Spoleto, pp. 619-628.
St. Margaret, Patroness of Childbirth
In: Mythological Women: Studies in Memory of Lotte Motz (1922-1997), ed. by Rudolpf Simek and Wilhelm Heizmann. Fassbaender, Wien, pp. 319-330.
Evans, JD
The Heynesbók dragon: an Old Icelandic maxim in its legal-historical context
Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 99(4):461-191.
Heitmann, A, Heizmann, W, and Rehm, O
Tiere in skandinavischer Literatur und Kulturgeschichte. Repräsentationsformen und Zeichenfunktionen
Berlin, Rombach. Nordica. 13.
Kalinke, ME
Birds of another feather: French song-birds in Old Norse-Icelandic literature
In: Grenzerfahrung - Grenzüberschreitung. Festschrift für P.M. Mitchell, ed. by xx, Heidelberg, pp. 1-11.
Martens, VV and Müller, IHV
Løve og drage
In: UKM - en mangfoldig forskningsinstitusjon. , ed. by Ellen Høigård HOFSETH . Universitetets kulturhistoriske museer, Oslo, pp. 197-206.
Mundt, M
Omkring dragekampen i Ragnars saga loðbrókar
Arv. Tidskrift för Nordisk Folksminnesforskning: (later Arv. Scandinavian Yearbook of Folklore)(27):121-140.
Animated ships in Old English and Old Norse poetry
In: Animals and the Symbolic in Mediaeval Art and Literature, ed. by L.A.J.R. HOUWEN, Groningen: Egbert Forsten Mediaevalia Groningana. 20. , pp. 53-66.
Radoslavova, D
Nyakoi aspekti na vzaimootnoshenieto mezhdu tekst i paratekstovo pole prez Srednovekovieto: pripiskata s teratomorfno izobrazhenie v rǔkopis Roe 27 (S.C. 273) ot Bodleanskata biblioteka
Godishnik na Sofiǐskiya Universitet “Sv. Kliment Ohridski”. Tsentǔr za slavyano-vizantiǐski prouchvaniya “Ivan Duǐchev”, 90(9):335-349.
Rohrbach, L
Der tierische Blick. Mensch-Tier-Relationen in der Sagaliteratur
Tübingen, A. Francke.
Sexual defamation in medieval Iceland: gera meri ór einum "make a mare of someone"
NOWELE: North-Western European Language Evolution, 30:27-37.
Teuscher, SH
Islendinges forhold til dyr i hoymiddelalderen - en mentalitetshistorisk analyse av noen aettesagaer
Historisk Tidsskrift, 69:311-337.
Wilson, GL
Epic and symbolic functions of the hunt in five medieval Germanic epics
Dissertation Abstracts International A, 42(6):2666.