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by Bibuser last modified 2007-12-10 22:49

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 26 references in this bibliography folder.

Bossuat, R
Le Roman de Renart

Caxton, W
The History of Reynard the Fox
London, Ed. by N. F. Blake, The Early English Text Society / Oxford University Press. 263.

Caxton, W
The booke of Raynarde the Foxe
New York, Da Capo Press.

Düwel, K (ed.)
Der Reinhart Fuchs des Elsässers Heinrich
Tübingen. Altdeutsche Textbibliothek. 96.

Fukumoto, N
"Sur la Nouvelle Edition du Roman de Renart d'apres les Manuscrits du Groupe G"
In: Épopée Animale, Fable, Fabliau , ed. by Gabriel Bianciotto & Michel Salvat. Presses Universitaires de France, Paris Actes du IVe Colloque de la Société Internationale Renardienne ., pp. 215-226.

Guerber, HA
Legends of the Middle Ages: narrated with special reference to literature and art
New York, American Book Company.

Hellinga, W
Reinaerts historie (Reinaert II)

Janssens, J, van Daele, R, and Uyttersprot, V (ed.)
Van den vos Reynaerde, Reynaert I
, Digitale Bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse Letteren.

Mann, J (ed.)
Ysengrimus: Text with Translations, Commentary and Introduction
Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers. Mittellateinische Studien und Texte. 12.

Morley, H
Early Prose Romances
London, George Routledge and Sons. Carisbrooke Library. IV.

No names specified
Renard the Fox
Berkeley, CA, Ed. by Patricia Ann Terry (trans.), University of California Press.

No names specified
"Zum Stand der Reinhart Fuchs - Forschung"
In: Épopée Animale, Fable, Fabliau , ed. by Gabriel Bianciotto & Michel Salvat. Presses Universitaires de France, Paris Actes du IVe Colloque de la Société Internationale Renardienne ., pp. 197-213.

Owen, DDR
The Romance of Reynard the Fox
Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Rose, W, Stallybrass, W, and Carlill, J
The epic of the beast, consisting of English translations of the history of Reynard the Fox and Physiologus
New York, E.P. Dutton & Co. Broadway Translations.

Rouse, EC and Varty, K
"Medieval Paintings of Reynard the Fox in Gloucester Cathedral and some other related examples"
The Archaeological Journal of the Royal Archaeological Institute, 133.

Saintsbury, G
The Flourishing of Romance and the Rise Of Allegory
Edinburgh, William Blackwood and Sons.

Simpson, J
Animal Body, Literary Corpus: The Old French Roman de Renart
Amsterdam, Rodopi. Faux Titre: Etudes de Langue et Litterature Francaises. 110.

Smith, J
A Guide to Church Woodcarvings
Newton Abbot, England, David & Charles.

Suomela-Härmä, E
"Techniques d'une mise en prose: le cas de Renart le Nouvel"
Reinardus: Yearbook of the International Reynard Society, 8:115-30.

Suomela-Härmä, E
Des roux et des couleurs …
In: Les Couleurs au Moyen Age. Pubs. du Centre Univ. d'Etudes & de Recherches Médiévales d'Aix, Univ. de Provence, Aix-en-Provence Senefiance. 24. , pp. 401-421.

Van Tussenbroek, G (ed.)
De ontsnapping van een gevangene. Nederlandse prozavertaling van het middeleeuwse dierenepos Ecbasis cuiusdam captivi per tropologiam

von Goethe, JW
The Story of Reynard the Fox
New York, Ed. by Thomas James Arnold (trans.), The Heritage Press.

Williams, A
Tricksters and Pranksters: Roguery in French and German Literature of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
Amsterdam, Rodopi. Internationale Forschungen zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft . 49.

Woo-Kyung, K
"Les épigones du Roman de Renart"
Université Kwandong.

Zeydel, EH
Ecbasis cuiusdam Captivi per Tropologiam: Escape of a Certain Captive Told in a Figurative Manmer
Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press. University of North Carolina Studies in the Germanic Languages and Literatures. 46.

Zumbült, B
"Approaching the Medieval Illustration Cycles of the Fox-Epic as an Art Historian: Problems and Perspectives"
Reinardus: Yearbook of the International Reynard Society, 15:191-204.

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