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by Bibuser last modified 2007-11-15 20:49

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 7 references in this bibliography folder.

Aesop: The Complete Fables
London, Penguin Books.

Bodemann, U (ed.)
Fabula docet. Illustierte Fabelbücher aus sechs Jahrhunderten

ha-Nakdan, B
Fables of a Jewish Aesop: Translated from the Fox Fables of Berechiah ha-Nakdan
Jaffrey, NH, Ed. by Moses Hadas, David R Godine.

Lengenfelder, H
Aesopi et Aviani fabulae, Physiologus: Farbmikrofiche-Edition der Handschrift Hamburg, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Cod. 47 in scrinio
München, H. Lengenfelder. Codices illuminati medii aevi. 48.

Meckelnborg, C and Schneider, B
Opusculum fabularum: Die Fabelsammlung der Berliner Handschrift Theol. lat. fol. 142
Leiden, Brill. Mittellateinische Studien und Texte. 26.

No names specified
An Entertaining Tale of Quadrupeds
New York, Columbia University Press.

Wright, AE (ed.)
Anonymus Neveleti

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