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by Bibuser last modified 2007-12-20 11:44

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 13 references in this bibliography folder.

Chrysostom, J
De naturis bestiarum by Johannes Chrysostomus: an XI Century MS. in the Monastery of Gottweih
(o. J.)

Deluz, C
Le Livre des merveilles du monde
Paris, CNRS Editions.

Golding (trans.), A and Solinus
The Excellent and Pleasant Worke of Caius Julius Solinus
Gainsville, Florida, Scholar's Facsimiles & Reprints.

The History of Herodotus
London, Ed. by George Rawlinson (trans.), Everyman's Library.

James, MR
Marvels of the East (De rebus in Oriente mirabilibus): a full reproduction of the three known copies
Oxford, Roxburghe Club.

Jebson, T
The Exeter Book (Exeter, Cathedral Chapter Library, MS 3501)
, The Labyrinth: Resources for Medieval Studies (Georgetown University).

Munier, C (ed.)
L’évasion d’un prisonnier. Ecbasis cuiusdam captivi
Paris-Turnhout, CNRS Editions-Brepols. Sources d’Histoire médiévale. Publiées par l’IRHT.

Polard, AW
The Travels of Sir John Mandeville: The Version in the Cotton Manuscript in Modern Spelling
London/New York, McMillan and Co.

Collectanea rerum memorabilium
Berlin, Ed. by th. Mommsen.

Swanton, MJ
The Travels of Sir John Mandeville: Facsimile of Pynson's Edition of 1496
Exeter, University of Exeter.

Thorpe, B
Codex Exoniesis: A Collection of Anglo-Saxon Poetry, From a Manuscript in the Library of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter
London, Society of Antiquaries.

Unterkircher, F
Reiner Musterbuch. Faksimileausgabe im original Format des Musterbuches aus Codex Vindobonensis 507 der Österreichischen National-bibliothek. Bildband Fol. 1-13
Graz, Druck-u. Verlagsanst.

Zettersten, A
A Middle English Lapidary

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