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Witteveen Joop (1987). On swans, cranes and herons: part 3 - herons Petits propos culinaires, 26:65-73.
Witteveen Joop (1987). On swans, cranes and herons: part 2 - cranes Petits propos culinaires, 25:50-59.
Witteveen Joop (1987). On swans, cranes and herons: part 2, cranes Petits propos culinaires, 25:50-59.
Witteveen Joop (1987). On swans, cranes and herons: part 3, herons Petits propos culinaires, 26:65-73.
Witteveen Joop (1986). On swans, cranes and herons: part 1 - swans Petits propos culinaires, 24:22-31.
Witteveen Joop (1986). On swans, cranes and herons: part 1, swans Petits propos culinaires, 24:22-31.
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Wittkower R (1977). Eagle and serpent In: Allegory and the migration of symbols. Collected essays of R. W., London, vol. 3, pp. 15-44, 188-196.
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Wittkower Rudolf (1938/39). Miraculous Birds, 1. "Physiologicus" in Beatus-Manuscripts. 2. Roc: an eastern prodigy in a Dutch engraving. Journal of the Warburg and Constauld Institutes, 1:253-257.
Wittkower R (1938/39). Eagle and Serpent. A Study in the Migration of Symbols Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 2(4):293-325.
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