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Zweifelsfälle beim Umordnen

by Bibuser last modified 2007-05-16 13:06

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 176 references in this bibliography folder.

Adam, A
Die Herkunft des Lutherwortes vom menschlichen Willen als Reittier Gottes
Luther-Jahrbuch , 29:25-34.

Adam, A
Der Teufel als Affe Gottes. Vorgeschichte eines Lutherwortes
Luther-Jahrbuch, 28:104-109.

Adolphus, AE
Notes and Queries, 8:202-203.

Almestad Coe, S
The Sculpture Of Saint-Sauveur De Nevers
Berkeley, CA, Dissertation, University Of California.

Alport, JL
Three early Christian interpretations of nature and scripture: the Physiologus, Origen, and Basil
Princeton, diss., Princeton Theological Seminary.

Anderson, MD
Misericords: Medieval Life in English Woodcarving
Harmondsworth, Penguin Books.

Annen, F
'Hirt, Herde'
In: Münchener Theologisches Wörterbuch zum Neuen Testament. Josef Hainz/Alexander Sand, Düsseldorf, pp. 199f..

Antin, P
Ailes et vol chez S. Jérôme
Orpheus, 8:163-165.

Aragones Estella, ME
The Image of Evil in Romanesque Art of the Way of Saint James in Navarra
Navarra, Universidad de Navarra.

Ardeleanu-Jansen, A
Der bunte Söller von Schloss Streversdorp/Château Graaf : Überlegungen zu einem spätmittelalterlichen Raumprogramm
In: Burg- und Schlosskapellen, ed. by Barbara Schock-Werner. K. Theiss, Stuttgart, pp. 109-117.

Ashton, J
Curious Creatures in Zoology
New York, Cassel Publishing.

Austern, LP and Naroditskaya, I (ed.)
Music of the Sirens
Bloomington, Indiana University Press.

Ayre, K
Medieval English Figurative Roundels
Oxford, Oxford University Press. Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi, Great Britain, Summary Catalogue.

Bachrach, BS
Animals and warfare in Early Medieval Europe
In: L'uomo di fronte al mondo animale nell'alto medioevo (7-13 aprile 1983), ed. by XX, pp. 707-751, 753-764.

Balachov, N
Le Developpement des Structures Narratives du Fabliau a la Nouvelle
In: Épopée Animale, Fable, Fabliau: Actes du IVe Colloque de la Société Internationale Renardienne, ed. by Gabriel Bianciotto/Michel Salvat. Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, pp. 29-37.

Bale, A
Fictions of Judaism in England before 1290
In: Jews in Medieval Britain: Historical, Literary and Archaeological Perspectives, ed. by XX, pp. 129-144.

Bartas, GdSd
La Sepmaine
Paris, Ed. by Yvonne Bellenger, Librairie Nizet.

Beavan, I
Text and illustration: the digitisation of a medieval manuscript
Computers and the Humanities, 31:61-71.

Beavan, I and Arnott, M
Beasts on the Screen: the Digitisation of the Aberdeen Bestiary - a Case Study in Preservation and Digitisation: Principles, Practice, Problems
British Library/NPO, Proceedings of the National Preservation Office Conference.

Beavan, I, Arnott, M, and McLaren, CA
Text and illustration: the Digitisation of a Mediaeval Manuscript
Computers and the Humanities, 31:61-67.

Beavan, I, Arnott, M, and Milne, J
The Online Bestiary Project in Electronic Library and Visual Information Research (ELVIRA) 3 Conference, De Montfort University, [Proceedings], ed. by M. Collier and K. Arnold

Bell, DN
Wholly animals: a book of beasty tales

Bellati, G
Les animaux dans le traité en forme d’exhortation de Jean Parmentier
In: Le bestiaire, le lapidaire, la flore. Actes du Colloque international Université Mc Gill, Montréal 7-8-9 octobre 2002, ed. by Giuseppe Di Stefano, Rose M. Bidler Le Moyen Français. 55-56. , pp. 23-42.

Belon du Mans, P
L’histoire de la nature des apeaux. Fac-simile de l’édition de 1555, avec introduction et notes par Philippe Glardon
Genf. Travaux d’humanisme et Renaissance . CCCVI.

Bennewitz, I
Von Nachtigallen, Krähen, Hühnern und Sängern. Überlegungen zu Aufführung und Sängerrollen im Minnesang, speziell bei Neidhart
In: Edition und Interpretation. Neue Forschungsparadigmen zur mittelhochdeutschen Lyrik. Festschrift Helmut Tervooren, ed. by Johannes Spicker, Stuttgart, pp. 73-85.

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