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Van den Vos Reynarde

by Bibuser last modified 2009-03-08 19:54

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 9 references in this bibliography folder.

Arendt, G
Die satirische Struktur des mittelniederländischen "Van den Vos Reynaerde"
Köln, Diss.

Colledge, E
Renard the Fox and Other Mediaeval Netherlands Secular Literature
Leyden, Heinemann.

Deschamps, J
Nieuwe fragmenten van Van den Vos Reynaerde
In: Aspects of the Medieval Animal Epic, ed. by E. Rombauts/A. Welkenhuysen/G. Verbeke. Leuven University Press, Leuven, pp. 199-206.

Gysseling, M
Datering en localisering van Reinaert I
In: Aspects of the Medieval Animal Epic, ed. by E. Rombauts/A. Welkenhuysen/G. Verbeke. Leuven University Press, Leuven, pp. 165-186.

Jacoby, FR
Van den Vos Reinaerde. Legal elements in a Netherlands epic of the thirteenth century

Peeters, L
Taalonderzoek in Van den Vos Reynaerde
In: Aspects of the Medieval Animal Epic, ed. by E. Rombauts/A. Welkenhuysen/G. Verbeke. Leuven University Press, Leuven, pp. 143-164.

Rombauts, E
Grimbeert's Defense of Reinaert in Van den Vos Reynaerde. An Example of oratio iudicialis?
In: Aspects of the Medieval Animal Epic, ed. by E. Rombauts/A. Welkenhuysen/G. Verbeke. Leuven University Press, Leuven, pp. 129-142.

Van Dievoet, G
Le Roman de Renart et Van den Vos Renaerde témoins fidèlis de la procédure pénale aux XII et XIII siècles?
In: Aspects of the Medieval Animal Epic, ed. by E. Rombauts/A. Welkenhuysen/G. Verbeke. Leuven University Press, Leuven, pp. 43-52.

Wackers, P
The image of the fox in Middle Dutch literature
In: The fox and other animals (selected proceedings of the Spa colloquium), ed. by Brian J. Levy, Paul Wackers, Amsterdam, Philadelphia Reinardus, Special Volume/ Numéro Spécial., pp. 181-198.

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