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Lateinische Fabeln

by Bibuser last modified 2009-06-22 19:54

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 16 references in this bibliography folder.

Bertini, F
Allegorie in chiave cristiana nelle favole di Baldone
Micrologus, 8:165-176.

Bertini, F
Gli animali nella favolistica medievale dal "Romolus" al secolo XII
In: L'uomo di fronte al mondo animale nell'alto medioevo (7-13 aprile 1983), ed. by XX, Spoleto, pp. 1031-1051, Disk. 1053-1056.

Bertini, F
Il monaco Ademaro e la sua reccolta di favole fedriane

Gatti, P
Le favole del monaco Ademaro e la tradizione manoscritta del corpus fedriano
Sandalion, II:247-256.

Kaimowitz, JH and McTigue, B
Beasts and landscapes: an illuminated Florentine Aesop manuscript of the 15th century
Bulletin of research in the humanities, 82:139-60.

Lessing, G
Ueber den Anonymus des Nevelet
In: Ebd., ed. by xx, vol. XIV, pp. 33-42.

Llinares, A
Les singes, le ver luisant et l’oiseau. Note sur l’utilisation répétée d’une même fable dans l’oeuvre de Lulle
Romania, 108:97-106.

Mañas Núñez, M
La fábula XIV de Alejandro Neckam (De lepore et accipitre et passere): tradición y originalidad
In: Poesía latina medieval (siglos V-XV). Actas del IV Congreso de "Internacionales Mittellateinerkomitee" Santiago de Compostela, 12-15 de septiembre de 2002, ed. by Manuel C. Diaz y Díaz - José M. Díaz de Bustamante. Sismel, Firenze.

Mombello, G
Traductions françaises des fables du "Speculum historiale" (XIVe-XVe siècles)
Reinardus, 8:49-61.

Oldfather, WA
New Manuscript Material for the Study of Avianus
Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association, 42:105-121.

Roth, L
Die malt. Sammlungen lateinischer Thierfabeln
Philologus, I:523-546.

Schulze-Busacker, E
Le "Romulus" vers 1180. Walter l'Anglais, Alexander Nequam et Marie de France
In: Miscellanea Mediaevalia. Mélanges offerts à Ph. Ménard, ed. by J. Cl. Faucon et al, Paris, pp. 1213-1233.

Thiele, G
Der Illustrierte Äsop in der Handschrift des Adamar

Voigt, E
Odo de Ciringtonia und seine Quellen
ZfdA, XXIII:283-307.

Werner, J
Zum Novus Aesopus des Baldo
In: Studien zur lateinischen Dichtung des Mittelalters (Ehrgabe für K. Strecker), ed. by W. Stach/H. Walther, Dresden, pp. 199-207.

Whitesell, FR
Fables in Mediaeval "Exempla"
Journal of English and Germanic Philology, XLVI:348-366.

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