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Englische Literatur

von BibuserZuletzt verändert: 26.12.2009 00:12

Referenzen auf Publikationen, sortiert nach Erscheinungsjahr und Autoren.

Es sind 58 Referenzen in diesem Literaturverzeichnis

Amodio, MC
Affective criticism, oral poetics, and Beowulf's fight with the dragon
Oral Tradition, 10(1):54-90.

Atkinson, SCB
"Op; n p; næt an ongan ... draca ricsian"
Old English Newsletter, 14(2):38.

The Outer Limits : Border Characters in Medieval Manuscript Illuminations and Middle English Mystery Plays (Ph. D., dactyl.) [Ann Arbor Microfilms, 90-19873]
Cincinnati: Cincinnati Univers. Pr.

Bammesberger, A
Beowulf's last fight (Beowulf, 2702b–2705)
Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, 113(2):165-167.

Bammesberger, A
Ealond utan at Beowulf, line 2334a
Notes and Queries, 54(4):361-364.

Biggs, FM
Beowulf and some fictions of the Geatish succession
Anglo-Saxon England(32):55-77.

The “Ysengrimus”, Allegory and Meaning: A Historical, Theological, and Literary Study
Cambridge: Harvard Univers. Pr.

Bishop, C
Beowulf: the monsters and the comics
Journal of the Australian Early Medieval Association(7):73-93.

Brown, AK
The firedrake in Beowulf
Neophilologus: An International Journal of Modern and Mediaeval Language and Literature, 64(3):439-460.

Some dynamics of story-telling: animals in the early lives of St Cuthbert
Nottingham Medieval Studies, 43:1-20.

Chew, SC
Spenser's Pageant of the Seven Deadly Sins
In: Studies in Art and Literature for Belle Da Costa Greene, ed. by Dorothy Minor, Princeton, pp. 37-54.

Geoffrey's so-called animal symbolism and Insular Celtic tradition
Studia Celtica, 18-19:96-109.

Emerson, OF
Chaucer and medieval hunting
Romanic Review, 13:115-150.

Fink, H
Die sieben Todsünden in der mittelenglischen erbaulichen Literatur
Hamburg: de Gruyter. Britannica et americana. 17.

Frank, R
Three "cups" and a funeral in Beowulf
In: Latin Learning and English Lore, I: Studies in Anglo-Saxon Literature for Michael Lapidge , ed. by Katherine O'Brien O'Keefee and Andy Orchard. University of Toronto Press, Toronto, pp. 407-420.

Fraser, L
The dragon of Corriehills
Transactions of the Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society(74):107-111.

Fuwa, Y
The red dragon in early Arthurian chronicles : its transformation and political implications
Hiyoshi Review of English Studies(52):1-22.

Gainsford, P
The deaths of Beowulf and Odysseus: narrative time and mythological tale-types
Classica et mediaevalia(63):247-278.

Garde, J
Christian and folkloric tradition in Beowulf: death and the dragon episode
Literature and Theology, 11(4):325-346.

Gwara, S
Beowulf 3074-75: Beowulf appraises his reward
Neuphilologus, 92(2):333-338.

Cultural symbols in translation: animal lore in late English and Scottish poetry
Micrologus: Natura, scienze e società medievali. Nature, Sciences and Medieval Societies, 8(2):489-509.

Honegger, T
Cultural symbols in transition: animal lore in late English and Scottish poetry
In: Il mondo animale - The World of Animals, Florenz, vol. 2 Micrologus. Natura, scienze e società medievali. tome VIII, 1-2. , pp. 489-509.

Houwen, LA
'From dumb beasts learn wisdom and knowledge.' Animal Symbolism in the 'Ancrene Wisse'
Das Mittelalter, 12(2):97-118.

Exemplum et similitudo: natural law in the Manciple's Tale and the Squire's Tale
In: Chaucer in Perspective: Middle English Essays in Honour of Norman Blake, ed. by Geoffrey LESTER, Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, pp. 100-117.

Keiner Blanco, K
Of 'Briddes and Beestes': Chaucer's Use of Animal Imagery as a Means of Audience Influence in Four Major Poetic Works
Los Angeles, diss., University Of Southern California.

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