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Englische Literatur

by Bibuser last modified 2009-12-26 00:12

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 58 references in this bibliography folder.

Thornbury, EV
“eald enta geweorc” and the relics of empire: revisiting the dragon's lair in Beowulf

Thundy, ZP
The dragon in Beowulf: Cain's Seed, heresy, and Islam.
In: Essays on Old, Middle, Modern English and Old Icelandic. In Honor of Raymond P. Tripp, Jr., ed. by Ed. Loren C. GRUBER. Edwin Mellen Press., Lewiston, vol. 60, vols. 1-2, pp. 201-230.

Tripp, RP
More about the Fight with the Dragon. “Beowulf” 2208b - 3182
Lanham/New York/Londres, Univers. of America Pr.

Van Dyke, C
Names of the beasts: tracking the animot in medieval texts
In: Studies in the Age of Chaucer, vol. 34, pp. 1-51.

Fox, bull and lion in the Towneley Coliphizacio
Early Drama, Art, and Music Review: (formerly EDAM Newsletter), 14(1):1-7.

Wanner, KJ
Warriors, wyrms, and wyrd: the paradoxical fate of the Germanic hero/king in Beowulf
Essays in Medieval Studies(16):1-15.

Caedmon, the clean animal
American Benedictine Review, 35(2):194-203.

Willard, R
Chaucer's Text that seith that Hunters ben nat hooly men
Texas Studies in English, 26:209-51.

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