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by Bibuser last modified 2007-08-25 12:52

References to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 5 references in this bibliography folder.

Braekman, W
The treatise on angling in "The Book of St. Albans" (1496)
Brüssel. Scripta. 1.

Hoffmann, RC
Carp, Cods, Connections: New Fisheries in the Medieval European Economy and Environment
In: Animals in Human Histories: The Mirror of Nature and Culture, ed. by Henninger-Voss, Mary J.. University of Rochester Press, Rochester, pp. 3-55.

Hoffmann, RC
Fisher's craft and lettered art: Tracts on fishing from the end of the Middle Ages
Toronto; Buffalo, London, Toronto Univ. Press.

Hoffmeister, G
Fischer- und Tauchertexte vom Bodensee
In: Fachliteratur des Mittelalters. Festschrift für G. Eis, ed. by G. Keil et al, Stuttgart, pp. 261-75.

Hünemörder, C
Die Geschichte der Fischbücher von Aristoteles bis zum Ende des 17. Jh.s
Deutsches Schifffahrtsarchiv, 1:188-198.

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