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Es sind 90 Referenzen in diesem Literaturverzeichnis
Petzold, L
Kleines Lexikon der Dämonen und Elementargeister
München, C. H.Beck. BsR. 427.
Apocalyptic monsters: animal inspirations for the iconography of medieval north European devourers
In: The Monstrous Middle Ages, ed. by Bettina BILDHAUER and Robert MILLS, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 155-176.
Rowland, B
Animals with human faces. A guide to animal symbolism
Idols and simulacra: paganity, hybridity and representation in Mandeville's Travels
In: The Monstrous Middle Ages, ed. by Bettina BILDHAUER and Robert MILLS, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 113-133.
Glæd man at Heorot: Beowulf and the Anglo-Saxon psalter
n.s., 27:49-68.
The Beasts of “Beowulf”
Binghamton: Univers. of New York Pr.
Smyth, AM
A Book of Fabulous Beasts
Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Strnad, AA
In: Lexikon der christlichen Ikonographie, vol. 1, pp. Sp. 355.
Twycross, M
The Medieval Anadyomene. A Study in Chaucer's Mythography
Oxford: Medium Aevum Monographs.
Van Duzer, C
Sea Monsters on Medieval and Renaissance Maps
London, British Library Publishing. (ISBN: 9780712358903).
Verner, LR
The Epistemology of the Monstrous in the Middle Ages
New York, Routledge. Studies in medieval history and culture . 33.
Voelkle, WM
'Morgan Manuscript M.1001: The Seven Deadly Sins and the Seven Evils Ones'
In: Monsters and Demons in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds. Papers Presented in Honor of Edith Porada, Mainz: Phillip von Zabern, pp. 101-114.
Willemsen, R
Es werde Tier! Über das Animalische zwischen Mensch und Monster
In: Tier im Text. Exemplarität und Allegorizität literarischer Lebewesen, ed. by Hans Jürgen Scheuer, Ulrike Vedder. Peter Lang AG, Bern [u.a.] Publikationen zur Zeitschrift für Germanistik. N.F. 29. , pp. 113-127.
Williams, D
Deformed Discourse. The Function of the Monster in Mediaeval Thought and Literature
Exeter, University of Exeter Press.
Wittkower, R
Marvels of the East: a study in the history of Monsters
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 5:159-97.