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7519 items matching your criteria. RSS Feed
The Influence of the Indian Fable on Medieval Latin Writings [1%] by bibuser, 2006-12-12 06:38
Chauceriana [1%] by bibuser, 2006-12-12 06:37
Actes Du Quatrième Congrès International De Philosophie Médiévale (Université de Montréal 1967): Arts Libéraux et Philosophique Au Moyen Âge [1%] by bibuser, 2006-12-12 06:18
Chasses et équipages de chasse en Bourgogne ducale (vers 1360-1420) [1%] by bibuser, 2006-12-10 21:25
Lexique de la chasse au vol. Terminologie française du XVIe au XXe siècle [1%] by bibuser, 2006-12-10 21:04
Una versione pisana del bestiaire d'amours [1%] by bibuser, 2006-12-10 20:45
Bestiaries and their users in the middle ages [1%] by bibuser, 2006-12-10 20:27
A baronial bestiary: heraldic evidence for the patronage of Manuscript Bodley 764 [1%] by bibuser, 2006-12-10 19:28
Le rat de ville et le rat des champs: traditions littéraires et conjectures sociales [1%] by bibuser, 2006-12-08 21:01
Two East Anglian picture books: a facsimile of the Helmingham herbal and bestiary, and Bodleian MS. Ashmole 1504 [1%] by bibuser, 2006-12-08 20:02
Diverse appelations de la belette sur le territoire gallo-roman [1%] by bibuser, 2006-12-08 19:51
De la version courte à la version longue du Bestiare de Pierre de Beauvais: nature et rôle de la citation [1%] by bibuser, 2006-12-08 19:40
Bestiary: being an English version of the Bodleian library, Oxford MS. Bodley 764: with all the original miniatures reproduced in facsimile [1%] by bibuser, 2006-12-08 19:25
Medieval birds in the Sherborne Missal [1%] by bibuser, 2006-12-08 19:16
The ass and the harp [1%] by bibuser, 2006-12-05 21:12
The ass and the harp [1%] by bibuser, 2006-12-05 21:12
Der weiße Adler im Wappen des Königreiches Polen im 13. Jahrhundert [1%] by bibuser, 2006-11-18 17:32
Ungeheuer und magische Lebewesen in der 'Epistula Alexandri ad Magistrum Suum Aristotelem de Situ Indiae' [1%] by bibuser, 2006-11-17 20:11
Ungeheuer und magische Lebewesen in der 'Epistula Alexandri ad Magistrum Suum Aristotelem de Situ Indiae' [1%] by bibuser, 2006-11-17 20:11
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