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7519 items matching your criteria. RSS Feed
Le lion du chevalier de la stratégie romanesque à l'emblème poétique [1%] by bibuser, 2007-01-16 15:15
Le trumeau et le linteau de Moissac: un cas du symbolisme médiéval [1%] by bibuser, 2007-01-16 15:14
Le trumeau et le linteau de Moissac: un cas du symbolisme médiéval [1%] by bibuser, 2007-01-16 15:14
Der Braunschweiger Burglöwe. Spurensicherung auf der Suche nach künstlerischen Vorbildern [1%] by bibuser, 2007-01-16 15:11
Der Braunschweiger Burglöwe. Spurensicherung auf der Suche nach künstlerischen Vorbildern [1%] by bibuser, 2007-01-16 15:11
Il leone di San Marco: aspetti storici e formali dell'emblema statale della Serenistima [1%] by bibuser, 2007-01-16 15:05
I leonie marciani lapidei a Venezia [1%] by bibuser, 2007-01-16 15:03
St. Gerome extracting the throne from the lion's foot [1%] by bibuser, 2007-01-16 15:01
Terror demonum and terror inimicorum: The two lions of the throne of Salomon and the open door of paradise [1%] by bibuser, 2007-01-16 15:00
Terror demonum and terror inimicorum: The two lions of the throne of Salomon and the open door of paradise [1%] by bibuser, 2007-01-16 15:00
Il leone e il drago nelle simbolica dell'età patristica [1%] by bibuser, 2007-01-16 14:58
Il leone e il drago nelle simbolica dell'età patristica [1%] by bibuser, 2007-01-16 14:58
"Conculabis leonem...". Some iconographic and iconologic notes on Early-Christian terracotta-lamps with an Anastasis-scene [1%] by bibuser, 2007-01-16 14:53
Der Löwe des Villard de Honnecourt: Überlegungen zum Thema "Kunst und Wissenschaft" [1%] by bibuser, 2007-01-16 14:48
Der Löwe des Villard de Honnecourt: Überlegungen zum Thema "Kunst und Wissenschaft" [1%] by bibuser, 2007-01-16 14:48
Pourquoi tant de lions dans l'Occident médiéval [1%] by bibuser, 2007-01-16 14:46
Die romanischen Löwen des Schleswiger Doms [1%] by bibuser, 2007-01-16 14:43
Die romanischen Löwen des Schleswiger Doms [1%] by bibuser, 2007-01-16 14:43
Kaiser Friedrich II. und der Löwe von Anagni [1%] by bibuser, 2007-01-16 14:41
Kaiser Friedrich II. und der Löwe von Anagni [1%] by bibuser, 2007-01-16 14:41
Die Türzieher des Mittelalters [1%] by bibuser, 2007-01-16 14:39
Die Türzieher des Mittelalters [1%] by bibuser, 2007-01-16 14:39
Bemerkungen zum Löwensiegel Herzog Heinrichs [1%] by bibuser, 2007-01-16 14:36
Löwen am Münsterportal [1%] by bibuser, 2007-01-16 14:34
Löwen am Münsterportal [1%] by bibuser, 2007-01-16 14:34
Tiger and mirror [1%] by bibuser, 2007-01-16 14:33
Tiger and mirror [1%] by bibuser, 2007-01-16 14:33
Lion or leopard [1%] by bibuser, 2007-01-16 14:32
Lions et dragons dans la littérature de Pierre Damien à Chrétien de Troyes [1%] by bibuser, 2007-01-16 14:31
Lions et dragons dans la littérature de Pierre Damien à Chrétien de Troyes [1%] by bibuser, 2007-01-16 14:31
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